Unsatisfactory things are always eight or nine, but they are the same as others

Nestor 2022-03-21 09:01:17

For three hours, all kinds of crazy
movies are telling us the "impossibility" of this real world in various ways. And "Magnolia" tells us in three hours, "But it did happen"
betrayal, greed, control, incest, anger, mad
crying, depravity, patience, judgment, forgiveness, acceptance
. The music that is out of time and the scene makes people feel bored to the end.
The film tells several sets of concurrent stories: the
fallen child prodigy like Zhong Yong, the old and old intellectual show host, the child who knows how to remember, the housewife on the verge of collapse, the little black boy like a fallen angel, and the slender man with slender emotions. Nurses, dying old people, depraved daughters, generous policemen; in the uncertain climate of a city, there are complicated stories behind everyone, and there are hidden secrets in the most invisible places. This is the ecology of a city. Behind every window and under every light, there are stories of this and that kind. If you can hear the mind of a city, I am afraid that what is entangled is anxiety and depression.
This is "Magnolia", a film that is 99% desperate and 1% hopeful.
Life seems to be surrounded by all kinds of lies. The rain of frogs from the sky is unreal, but it may not be like the lies in life that can be seen anytime and anywhere. Everyone comes to the world with a heart of innocence, but in the end they pretend to be out of fashion, private memories and unrepentant confession. Drugs, morphine, and alcohol have all been used in the movie, but maybe only sharing And tolerance can make the day brighter.

The film was translated into "Mind Corner" by Xindaya, but it is straightforward. As for why it is called "Magnolia",
I checked Baidu, and I really have no clue:
[Plant name] Magnolia
[Scientific name] Magnolia liliflora Desr.
[Alias] Magnolia, Xinyi, Purple Magnolia, Wooden Pen
[Classification] Magnoliaceae, Magnolia
[Origin] Originated in central China, now cultivated in all provinces and regions.
[Form] Deciduous small trees, up to 5 meters high. The wood has a fragrance, the branchlets are purple-brown, and the buds have fine hairs. Simple leaves, alternate, obovate-elliptic; with stipule marks. The flowers are bisexual, solitary, terminal, with 3 sepals, yellow-green, lanceolate, about 1/3 the length of the petals; petals 6, purple-red on the outside, nearly white on the inside; there are many pistils, and the group of pistils is sessile. The fruit is oblong. Root fleshy.
【Properties】Pleasant light, more cold-tolerant, but not drought-tolerant. It requires fertile sandy soil and is not alkali-resistant. Afraid of flooding.

Maybe it is to use flowers to refer to the fragility of human nature, maybe, maybe.

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Extended Reading

Magnolia quotes

  • Rick Spector: Let's make some fuckin' money, folks.

  • Jim Kurring: A lot of people think this is just a job that you go to. Take a lunch hour... job's over. Something like that. But it's a 24-hour deal. No two ways about it. And what most people don't see... is just how hard it is to do the right thing. People think if I make a judgment call... that's a judgment on them, but that is not what I do. And that's not what should be done. I have to take everything... and play it as it lays. Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail. And that is a very tricky thing on my part... making that call. I mean, the law is the law. And heck if I'm gonna break it. You can forgive someone. Well, that's the tough part. What can we forgive? Tough part of the job. Tough part of walking down the street.