Recording of the movie "Zi Sanshiro" (just a simple record, no film review)

Antonio 2022-02-07 14:44:40

Tsuji Sanshiro learns Jiujitsu under his apprenticeship:
the prosperity of town streets and the exterior of the Jiujitsu hall: (Shake down from above, move) Masjiro's subjective lens.
The dialogue between Shisanshiro and a few women in front of the Jiu-Jitsu Museum: The
top camera position - three women sing
and fight back - the dialogue between Shisanshiro and the women.
The top camera position - Zisanshiro was pushed by the women to the front of the Xinming School Jiu-Jitsu Museum.
Small Panorama - The Jiu-Jitsu Museum (subjective shot) seen by Zi Sanshiro. In the Ju-
jitsu Museum, Zi Sanshiro wants to learn from a teacher: (The Fall of Jiu-Jitsu) The
top corner camera - Introduce the general environment: several men are crooked Drinking and eating meat. A man said, "Having a glass of wine is considered apprenticeship." This remark leads to the position of Shisanshiro.
Cut to the counter-attack - Zisanshiro catches the wine glass, drinks and picks up the meat given by another man, and hears about "watching a good show": deal with Yano Masamune.
Small Panorama——When I heard that Sanshiro didn't understand judo, everyone's reaction, and the inside story.
Shake - the reaction of everyone to Yano's appointment as the head of the security department.
Xiaoquan pulled the panorama - someone came to report Yano's appearance, and everyone's reaction.
Cut to Xiaoquan - Zisanshiro in the dark.
Ship-shaped bridge duel:
1, cut - the moon in the dark.
Top Corner Xiaoquan - The Xinming faction and Sanshiro pass by a woman in the dark.
Inner backhand - a conversation between the head of the Xinming faction and his daughter.
2. Cut to the full - Yano passed by in a rickshaw, and several people rushed to block it. (shift)
(Move) All - Yano moves to the edge with her back against the water and asks aloud.
The reaction of Xinming sent people (following a character)
Sanshiro watching from the side - the first person who answered and stepped forward (shake)
cut to the whole - this person stepped forward to confront Yano.
Cut to close-up - Yano's feet are on the edge of the shore, and then leave.
Cut to Xiaoquan - the two confronted
the person who was thrown into the sea by Yano's back (move) and
cut to Xiaoquan - from the reaction of the Xinming faction to Sanshiro's reaction. (Shake)
Cut to the full - Yano who stands mighty.
3. Cut to Xiaoquan - from Sanshiro to the next person who is ready to step forward. (Shakes) This man stepped forward.
Cut all the way - Yano immediately threw it into the water.
Cut to Xiaoquan - from everyone's reaction to Sanshiro's reaction. (Shake)
Cut to Xiaoquan - Yano standing.
4. Cut to Xiaoquan - Sanshiro who was standing up to the others who were eager to try and hesitated (shake) and two people stepped forward, one of them took a stick.
Cut to All (Move): The two gradually approach Yano, but are quickly thrown into the water.
Cut to Xiaoquan - everyone's reaction, one person walks into the picture.
Cut to close-up - above Yano's chest.
Cut to a close-up - Sanshiro, who suppressed his excitement, the others.
Cut to Xiaoquan - this person is timid, but he can't back down.
Cut to the panorama - Yano standing majestically.
5. Pull - from the standing Yano to the people who will challenge.
Panorama - The challenger rushed over and was thrown into the water by Yano, who staggered and stood firm.
Quick cut all - another challenger rushes up.
A close-up view - a duel between the two. (Top corner)
Two people duel. (Fighting from the outside, Yano's front, walking forward and exiting the screen) The
two face off. (Anti-attack from the outside, the challenger retreats into the screen frontally)
Cut the panorama - the challenger is thrown into the water. The leader rushed up and twisted together with Yano lying on the ground.
Cut a small panorama - the two of them twisted and rolled, and Yano subdued them. Yano asked him to sign up. The man asked to be killed.
Cut - Inside Backhand: A dialogue between the leader and Yano.
Pull to Panorama - Yano's education to the leader, and leave. The leader's repentance.
6. Panorama - a rickshaw without a driver, Yano walked into the picture and shouted for the driver, but no one responded that
Sanshiro rushed into the picture and knelt down.
Cut to Xiaoquan: Sanshiro asks to replace the driver.
The dialogue between Yano and Sanshiro (inside back shot)
cuts to Xiaoquan: Yano gets in the car, Sanshiro pulls the car, and throws the clogs away. (Decisively)
Cut to the close-up: Yano laughs. (Move)
Shake to close-up: Sanshiro's clogs on the ground.
Transition: The Encounter of Shisanshiro's Geta (Change of Time)
Geta on the Street (Spring) (Fade Out, Fade In)
(Cut) Geta in the Rain (Summer) (Fade Out)
Geta Bitten by a Dog (Autumn) (Fade Out)
Geta on a fence in the snow (Winter) (Fade out)
Geta in a river with cherry blossom petals floating around (Spring) (Fade out)
Geta drifting down the water. (moves with the clogs and shakes to the shore)
Development Department: The growth of Shisanshiro.
Beginning: The young Zisanshiro was criticized by his master for fighting, and he had an epiphany in the lotus pond.
A, Zisanshiro fighting in the street. (Young Impulse)
Panorama - A group of people running from left to right in the frame shouting and fighting.
Cut to panorama - (shaking from top to bottom) The running crowd runs from the camera to a short distance away and stops and disperses, two men wrestling, from far to near, and from near to far. Shisanshiro rushed over after hearing a man's provocation.
Cut to Xiaoquan - (shakes from top to bottom) The people on the other side run backwards, and Shisanshiro rushes over and grabs one of the men and throws him over his shoulder. Hearing a shout, he rushed over again.
Cut to Xiaoquan - (shakes from top to bottom) The person on this side runs backwards, and Shisanshiro grabs another person again and throws him down. Hearing the voice on the other side, Tsusanshiro rushed to the other side again.
Cut to Xiaoquan - (shakes from top to bottom) The people on this side step back, and Shisanshiro wrestles with one of them.
Cut to Xiaoquan - a group of people exited the narrow street, and Shisanshiro and two men scuffled in the street. (move) The dazed Shisanshiro will fall from the person in the bathroom. After that, he fell when he saw someone and met a strong opponent.
Cut to medium shot - this opponent is above the crotch, with a contemptuous smile on his face. (Outside counterattack)
Zi Sanshiro pulled it into the field (outside counterattack) and pushed hard.
Xiaoquan - The two confronted each other, scuffled, Zisanshiro grabbed the strong man and turned around. (Fade out)
B, Zisanshiro had an epiphany in the lotus pond.
1. Cut to the panorama - the gate of Yano's Judo Hall.
Cut to Xiaoquan - lotus pond. (shakes up)
All - two men pass by. (Move) Yano at work. The two are called Master.
Cut to the middle shot - Yano turned back, the two entered, and announced that Sanshiro was back. (Top corner)
Cut to Xiaoquan - intercede for Sanshiro. (Inside back shot)
Cut to Xiaoquan - Yano asks Sanshiro to come in. (Back shot inside)
Cut to Xiaoquan - The two apprentices saluted and went out. (Inside back shot)
Cut to Xiaoquan - Yano continues to work, stops to think, and looks at the lotus pond outside.
Cut to Xiaoquan - a corner of the lotus pond (Yano's subjective shot)
2. Cut to a close-up - above Yano's chest, Yano who is thinking, hears a voice and turns his head.
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro opened the door and looked at the master. (Back shot)
Cut to Xiaoquan - Sanshiro got up and came in, fiddling with his fallen sleeves several times, and sat down. (inside back shot)
Cut to medium shot - Yano looks at him and turns around. (Inside back shot)
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro lowered his head, looked at the master looking at him, and became confident again. (Inside back shot)
Cut to close-up - smiling Yano began to tease Sanshiro (inside back shot)
Cut to close-up -- Sanshiro rolled up his sleeves and lowered his head. (Inside back shot)
Cut to the panorama - the position of Yano and Sanshiro (top corner shot) The dialogue between Yano and Sanshiro.
Yano emphasized that Sanshiro did not understand the way of life, Sanshiro refuted, Yano was furious.
Cut to the panorama - the two apprentices waiting outside the door.
3. Cut to Xiaoquan - Yano Education Sanshiro. (Outside counterattack)
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro's reaction and defense (inside counterattack)
Several disputes between Yano and Sanshiro. (Inside back shot)
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro got up, jumped into the lotus pond, and hugged the stake. (move)
Cut to panorama - Yano stands up and looks at Sanshiro.
Cut to the panorama - the reaction of the other two apprentices.
Cut to panorama - an old monk walks into the frame.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro in the lotus pond.
Cut to the panorama——Yano scolded Sanshiro angrily and closed the door.
Cut to a close-up view——Sanshiro looked in Yano's direction.
Cut to the panorama - Yano's closed door. (Fade into the dark door)
4. Cut to close-up - Yano at work.
Move to the panorama - two apprentices sewing clothes, the apprentice stopped to see the master.
Cut to close-up - the back view of Yano's work.
Cut to Xiaoquan - the two apprentices hesitated, but still pleaded with the master for Sanshiro.
Cut to close-up - Yano stops writing and turns his head.
Cut to the panorama - the conversation between Yano and his apprentice. (Outside back shot)
5. Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro in the lotus pond. In the reflection of the water, I saw a figure of a person. The voice of the old monk. Sanshiro looked up.
Shake up to panorama - a conversation between a monk and Sanshiro.
Cut to Xiaoquan——Sanshiro looked at the stake he was holding, and the monk who stood to educate Sanshiro. (Switching back and forth) The
monk leaves and closes the door. (Move)
6. Cut to Xiaoquan - Sanshilang looking at the moon.
Shaking up along the line of sight - Sanshiro saw the moon
cut to close-up - lotus leaves with dewdrops.
Shake horizontally - Sanshiro, who was sleeping in the pool, was awakened by the crowing of the rooster. gaze.
Pull out - an open lotus flower. (
Fighting inside) Cut to a close-up - a bright lotus flower. (Holy way of being a human being)
Cut to the near-special - the touch that Sanshiro received.
Cut to close-up - bright lotus.
Cut to Kinte - Sanshiro's excited expression, calling out to the master.
Cut to the panorama - Yano opens the door and looks. The brothers opened the door to see, and the monk opened the door to see.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro climbed ashore and apologized to Yano on his knees. Brothers and monks enter the picture. (Dark field)
Development: Liang Yixin is the party, the challenge of Hinoki Hengyuannosuke, the competition.
A. Liang Yixin was in charge, and the help of Hui Hengyuan came to learn skills.
1. White clouds floating in the sky. (Subjective shot of
Sanshiro ) (Sublime and holy?) Close-up - Sanshiro raised his head and stepped on the laundry. An umbrella sticks into the camera and pats Sanshiro on the shoulder. Sanshiro turned back.
Shake out a close-up view - the help of Hinoki Hengyuan.
Close-up view——Sanshiro looked at Hinogen nosuke Hinoki.
Close-up view - Hinoki Hengyuan nosuke smokes.
Close-up view——Sanshiro looked at Hinoko Gennosuke and turned his body back.
Cut the middle shot - the dialogue between Gennosuke Hinogen and Sanshiro.
Cut to the close-up - the help of Hinoki Hengyuan self-reports to his family.
A close-up view - Sanshiro suddenly has the fighting spirit and spirit to observe the cypress Henggennosuke.
A close-up view - the help of Hinoki Hengyuan.
Close-up - Sanshiro invites the challenger to enter.
Cut close-up - Sanshiro quickly put on his clogs.
Shake up mid shot to panorama - Sanshiro will lead the challenger in.
2. Middle shot - A man is thrown out and hits the wall, motionless.
Cut Xiaoquan - the monk went to take care of it.
A close-up shot—Sanshiro looked in the direction of the challenger.
Moved to Xiaoquan - Twisted the muscles and bones of the fallen brothers and sisters.
Cut to the middle and close-up - the side of the cypress Hengyuan nosuke. Master Iinuma came to ask for advice, but was
rejected by Hinoko Gennosuke , and wanted to learn from Sanshiro.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro standing and monk bringing water.
Move to the panorama - Sanshiro walked forward to the arena to do it, but Master Iinuma stopped him. (top corner shot)
Cut to Xiaoquan - Sanshiro sits on his knees and looks at Hinoyuki Gennosuke. (Subjective shot, back shot inside)
Cut to the middle and close-up - Gennosuke Hinoko looks at Sanshiro and asks his name. (Inside back shot)
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro replied. (Inside backhand)
Cut to inside backhand - the reaction of Hinoko Gennosuke. (Back shot inside)
Sanshiro's expression. (Inside back shot)
The look of Hinoyuki Gennosuke . (Inside back shot)
Cut to the panorama—— Hinosuke Hienggen nosuke decides to duel later and leaves.
Push - by Sanshiro, pushed to the monk next to the wounded. (Dark field)
Climax: Sanshiro killed the head of the Xinming faction in the demonstration competition.
A, Yano informs everyone to prepare for the competition.
1. Panorama - the many children kneeling to listen to the master's words
shake to the middle shot - Yano who speaks.
Cut to the middle and close-up - the reaction of the children.
Shaking to close-up - Yano talking.
Cut to Xiaoquan - the reaction of the disciples
cut to the close-up - Yano took out the invitation letter for the demonstration competition.
Cut to Xiaoquan - the reaction of the disciples, Yano asked everyone to guess the inviting party.
Cut to the panorama - Yano lets Sanshiro guess the inviting party (outside counterattack)
Qie Xiaoquan - the reactions of the disciples.
Cut to the panorama - Yano continues to speak, let Sanshiro participate (outside counterattack)
Cut to the close-up - the excited Sanshiro close-up: the kind Yano (several switching)
B, in the demonstration competition, Sanshiro and the head horse of the Xinming faction showdown.
Cut to a close-up view - Kazuma (moved) came to the scene and saw Sanshiro sitting.
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro meets the challenge. (move) into the field.
1. Panorama - The match between the two began, Sanshiro was about to crouch down, but the opponent refused. (Top corner)
Medium close shot - Sanshiro stands up and salutes. (Inside back shot)
Medium close-up - Menma (inside back shot)
close-up shot - Sanshiro walked over and the two started. (Internal counterplay)
2. Panorama - duel. (Top corner) (Move)
Cut Xiaoquan - Liang Yixin's goalkeeper and Hui Hengyuan nosuke watching on the field.
Medium Shot - Liang Yixin's excited look when he sent a doorman.
Close-up view - Hinoki Hengyuan nosuke watching the battle.
3. Cut the panorama - continue the game on the field. The door and horse could not take the initiative, and the two separated. (top corner)
Close-up - startled doorman. (Inside back shot)
Cut close-up - relaxed Sanshiro. (inside back shot)
Close-up - Angry Gate Horse. (Inside back shot)
Medium close-up - the door horse rushes up, and Zisanshilang retreats. (Outside counter-attack)
Close-up - Zi Sanshiro exits (inside counter-attack) Close-up - Menma is
angry. (outside counter shot)
close-up - Zisanshiro retreat (inside back shot)
close-up - doorma 's angry face (inside back shot) Close-up of Zisanshiro's face.
Close-up - the two people scuffle (top corner) and
shake their heads to the side of the court to pay attention to the head of the party and the help of Hengyuan Nosuke.
Close-up - the two continue to scuffle.
Close-up of cut legs, close-up of
Chet - Shisan Shiro used the shoulder throw.
Cut the middle shot - the door horse flew out.
Cut the panorama - the audience stood in shock.
Shake to the panorama - the gate horse killed by the sideline.
Cut the whole thing - a paper window fell off and covered the head of the door.
4. Cut the panorama - Sanshiro and the referee standing still on the field. Hearing the woman screaming, Sanshiro turned around.
Close-up - Sanshiro turned his head.
Cut the panorama - the audience watching outside, there is a woman.
Close up - pale face of angry woman.
Cut close-up - woman's face. (Dark field)
End: Doorma's daughter failed in revenge.
A. (Transition) Explain that Saya's father will fight against Sanshiro.
(Jin Ming) Panorama - On the river bank, a group of children ran from the bottom right to the top left of the screen singing a nursery rhyme in praise of Sanshiro.
Cut panorama - alley, children run from bottom left to top right.
Cut the panorama - the alley, the children run from front to back.
Cut the panorama - the lying cypress Henggennosuke in the house and Xiaoye in the distance.
Close-up of the cut - Gennosuke flicks the ash on the flower.
A close-up view - the beautiful Xiaoye saw this move.
Cut the panorama - Saya walked to Gennosuke and sat down, pushing the ashtray towards him. The two talk about
Father Ye 's upcoming match with Sanshiro. (Top angle shot)
Close-up - Gennosuke and Saya talking. (Inside back shot) As soon as Gennosuke sat up, Saya immediately flashed
back to her original position.
Middle shot - Xiao Ye immediately stands up and leaves, and when he sits down, he hears his father come back.
Middle shot - Gennosuke, who was lying down, sat down slowly.
Cut the panorama - Xiaoye's father came in, drank cold water, and approached to talk to Gennosuke.
Close-up - Xiaoye's father's excited expression because of his opponent.
B, the declining Xinming faction.
1. Cut the panorama - Sanshiro stood in front of the alley of the original Xinming faction and gradually approached.
Qie Xiaoquan - the run-down Xinming School Kneading Art Museum. (Subjective shot of
Sanshiro ) Cut close -up - a notice for renting a house. (Fade out)
Fade in close-up - Doorma's daughter's face.
Close-up - Sanshiro's complex facial expressions.
Close-up of the cut - the face of the doorma's daughter.
2. Cut the panorama - Menma's daughter gradually approached the judo hall, and a disciple and monk at the back entered the painting.
A close-up view - the face of Menma's daughter is expressionless. Followed by disciples and monks. The daughter of the door horse draws the picture from the right, and the disciple and the monk approach. The monk stopped Menma's daughter. (Top corner)
Close-up - Doorma's daughter looks back. (Inner counterattack)
Cut in close-up - the disciple, the monk talks to Menma's daughter, the disciple rushes up to restrain the woman (outer counterattack ) cut close-up-
The knife in Menma's daughter's hand falls to the ground. (Dark field)
Climax: The duel between Sanshiro and the masters and the love of Sanshiro.
A, Sanshiro's love
1, panoramic view - Sanshiro and his master Yano came to the temple to pray.
Che - the movement of the steps
shakes up the panorama - the woman in prayer.
Middle shot - a little night of dedicated prayer.
Cut to the panorama - Yano and Sanshiro watch the little night of prayer.
Cut to the middle and near - the conversation between Yano and Sanshiro.
Cut to medium shot - a little night of dedicated prayer.
Cut to the middle and near - Yano and Sanshiro were moved.
Cut to a close-up view - concentrating on praying for Saya's beauty.
Cut to close-up - Yano and Sanshiro.
Cut very close - the beauty of Xiao Ye.
Cut to close-up - Yano and Sanshiro prepare to leave.
Cut to the panorama - the two bowed and left, Yano was reluctant to part.
2. Cut to Xiaoquan - Yano, holding an umbrella, came down from the temple, saw Xiaoye stop, and continued to move forward. (Move)
Move Xiaoquan - Xiao Ye entered the painting with an umbrella, bending over to get her shoes. Yano took a few steps and was still ready to help her.
Cut to the middle and near - Sanshiro helped Xiaoye tie the straps on his shoes, and handed Xiaoye a cloth to put his feet on.
Shake it up to a close-up view—Saye, embarrassed, gave Sanshiro an umbrella.
Pan down to a close-up view - Sanshiro tying Saya's shoes.
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro's umbrella.
Cut to close-up - Xiao Ye's umbrella.
Cut to close-up - a corner of the temple gate in the snow.
Pull out the panorama - Sanshiro and Saya in the snow. Sanshiro put the repaired shoes at Saya's feet and stood up.
Cut to a close-up view - Sanshiro and Saya's staring at each other.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro leaves, and Saya asks him to come back and get an umbrella. Sanshiro took the umbrella and left. Xiaoye wanted to return the handkerchief to him and chased after him.
Move the panorama - the night under the temple gate.
3. Cut to the middle shot - Xiaoye is happy to talk to Sanshiro above as he goes up the steps. (reverse inside shot)
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro who came down (reverse inside shot)
cut to close-up - two people talk. (top corner) Sanshiro leaves. Look at night.
Cut to Xiaoquan - the back of Sanshiro's trot. (Xiaoye's subjective shot)
4. Cut to Xiaoquan - Xiaoye came down from the steps of the temple and met Sanshiro. (Outside counterattack) Sanshiro ran up.
5. Cut to the middle and near - Xiaoye returned the handkerchief to Sanshiro. The two went down the steps together. (Move) Move
to the panorama - two people go down the steps and chat. Sanshiro finds out that she is the daughter of his rival, Hansuke Murai.
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro who is at a loss. (Inside back shot)
Cut to close-up - happy little night. (Inside back shot)
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro asks Saya if he knows his opponent. (Inside back shot)
Cut to close-up - Xiaoye replied that she knew (inside back shot)
Cut to close-up -- Sanshiro said goodbye. (Inside back shot)
Cut to panorama - Sanshiro runs down the steps and stops. Turn around and run up.
Cut to the close-up - Saya who heard the identity of Sanshiro.
Cut to the middle near - Sanshiro's responsible expression, turned and left. (Move to Panorama)
Cut to Panorama - Standing Night.
Cut to the distant view - the standing night. (dark field)
B, the competition between Sanshiro and Murai Hansuke - the police force competition.
1. Panorama - crowds of people enter the competition venue.
Cut to the panorama - waiting for Sanshiro's brothers and sisters.
Cut to the middle and near - the conversation between the brothers and sisters, Sanshiro has not come yet.
2. Cut to a close-up view - Sanshiro reading a song of righteousness facing the window. (Side)
Shake from Sanshiro's side to Sanshiro's back and the window he faces.
Close-up - Bamboo shadow on the window. (Subjective shot of Sanshiro)
Cut to the close-up of the pattern on Saya's costume.
Cut to the middle and near - Xiao Ye walking towards him.
Cut to close-up - a little night in prayer.
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro in his thoughts. (shakes to the side)
3. Close-up - a hand hits Sanshiro's head, and Sanshiro turns his head.
Cut to the close-up - the monk reprimands Sanshiro. (Inside back shot)
Sanshiro wants to give up. (Inside back shot)
4. Cut to Xiaoquan - the position of Sanshiro and the monk, Sanshiro told the monk why. (Top corner)
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro wants to give up. (inside back shot)
cut to close-up - monk (inside back shot)
Close-up - Sanshiro asks the monk for help. (Inside back shot)
5. Cut to Xiaoquan - the position of Sanshiro and the monk, and the monk educates Sanshiro. (Top corner)
Cut to panorama - lotus pond with stakes.
Cut to the Panorama - Monk Inspires Sanshiro.
Cut back to Xiaoquan - Lotus Pond.
Cut to the middle shot - Sanshiro's remorse.
Cut back to the middle shot - the lotus pond.
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro's thinking.
Cut to close-up - stakes in a lotus pond.
Move to close-up - the burdened hand.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro rushed out, and the monk walked out.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro ran out of the gate.
6. Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro was pulled by his brother to enter the arena.
Cut to the panorama-Hinosuke Hinogen at the door (outside counter attack)
cut to the distant view-Sanshiro was pushed and pulled in by his brothers.
Cut to close-up - the slogan in front of the Armed Police Department.
7. Cut to the panorama - the audience in the martial arts field is very hot.
Cut to the middle and near - Sanshiro's apprentice brother
Cut to the panorama - the jury.
Cut to medium shot - Yano on the jury.
Cut to close-up - the calm Yano.
8. Cut to panorama - the game begins.
Cut to Xiaoquan - half-assistant head to play.
Xiaoquan - The noise between the two sides about the title when Sanshiro was announced.
Cut to close-up - the referee is in a dilemma.
Cut to Xiaoquan - Sanshiro plays.
Cut to the close-up - Yano's attention.
Cut to a close-up view - Sanshiro and Yano made eye contact.
9. Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro enters the field. (Top angle shot)
Cut to close-up - Sanshiro wanted to kneel and salute, hesitantly touched his knees and looked at each other. (Inside backhand)
Cut to the near-special - a half-assistant smile. (Inside backhand)
Cut to the near special - Sanshiro smiled and knelt down to salute. (Inside back shot)
Cut to the panorama - both sides kneel and salute. (top angle shot)
10. Panorama - Both sides adjust the viewing position.
Cut to the middle and near - adjust the observation, half-assist in the decision to start.
Cut to panorama - the two grab each other and move slowly.
Cut to medium shot - same as above.
Cut to close-up - ibid.
Cut to near special - half assist.
Cut to close-up - half-assist.
Cut to the panorama—Hasuke tried to trip Sanshiro several times without success.
11. Cut to the panorama - reaction from the referee's bench.
Cut to the close-up - Yano's attention.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro and Bansuke continue to fight, and Bansuke lifts Sanshiro up.
Cut to the panorama - the audience stands up.
Cut to a close-up - Hansuke threw Sanshiro out.
Cut to the panorama - the audience shouts.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro stands.
Cut to mid-close - an unexpected half-assistance.
12. Cut to the panorama - Hansuke rushed to catch Sanshiro again.
Cut to close-up - Hansuke threw Sanshiro out again.
Cut to the middle and near - Sanshiro stood firm again.
Cut to the panorama - the shocking referee's bench.
Shocked audience.
Cut to medium shot - Sanshiro ready.
Cut to medium shot - half-suke panting.
13. Cut to the near special - Sanshiro who saw the opportunity.
Jinte - Take the initiative to go up and grab the half-assistant. (move) Move
to panorama - two people writhing.
Close-up of feet - Sanshiro stumbles and helps half.
Cut to the middle - half-assist is thrown out.
Cut to medium shot - audience reaction.
Cut to close-up - Yano's reaction.
14. Cut to the middle and near - Bansuke who fell to the ground slowly got up.
Cut to the near-special - half-assistant trance look.
Blurred vision——Hansuke's subjective shot, seeing Sanshiro approaching.
Cut to Kinte - Sanshiro grabbed Hansuke and threw him out.
Cut to the middle - the half-assistant who was thrown out.
Cut to Kinte - Sanshiro's sympathetic expression.
Cut to the middle - Hansuke, who was lying on the ground, struggled to get up.
Cut to close-up - hear daughter's voice trying to get up.
Cut to Jinte - finally got up after hearing her daughter's encouragement.
Cut to the middle and near - Hansuke barely stood up.
Cut to the near special - the shocked Sanshiro.
Cut to the middle and near - Half-assistance staggered towards Sanshiro.
Cut to Kinte - Sanshiro's sympathetic gaze.
Cut to a close-up of the foot - Hansuke is thrown out again.
Cut to the panorama - the location of Hansuke and Sanshiro.
A motionless half-assistant.
Cut to medium shot - Hansuke barely gets up and sits down on his knees to admit defeat.
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro's pained expression.
15. Cut to the panorama - the disciple of the half-assistant stepped forward and lifted the half-assistant.
Cut to the near special - Sanshiro's ashamed look.
Cut to the middle - Sanshiro said goodbye to Bansuke who was being carried away.
Cut to a close-up - Hansuke thanked Sanshiro and sighed at his high strength.
Cut to the near special - Sanshiro's ashamed look.
Cut to the near-special - half-assistant completely conceded defeat.
Cut to the near special - Sanshiro, please take care of Bansuke. (A person's shoulder covers the picture, dark field)
16, cut to close-up - the band comes in.
Shaking up the panorama—the crowd was surging, Sanshiro walked out dejectedly.
Cut to the middle shot - Sanshiro leaves with a downcast face.
Cut to medium shot - Xiao Ye with her head down.
Cut to medium shot - Sanshiro bows his head and walks away.
Cut to the panorama - Sanshiro came out of the field and looked back at Saya who entered. (dark field)
C, Sanshiro came to visit Mr. Hansuke Murai.
1. Cut to the panorama - the children run in from the upper right of the screen singing nursery rhymes.
Move to the panorama - the children run past Sanshiro and Saya.
2, cut to close-up - lighting.
Cut to the panorama - the kitchen is cooking. Walk in at night and have a taste.
Cut to the panorama - the living room without people.
Cut to Xiaoquan - Bansuke lying on the couch and Sanshiro sitting beside him chatting and laughing. (top corner) Sanshiro handed Hansuke a cigarette.
Cut to close-up - the smiling Bansuke (inside back shot)
cuts to the middle close - Sanshiro (inside back shot)
shakes back -- Saya invites his father and guests to dinner.
Cut to close-up - Hansuke decides to get up to eat.
Cut to the panorama - Half help gets up, Sanshiro assists.
3. Cut to Xiaoquan - an exterior scene with dim lighting.
Cut to the panorama - Bansuke in the house, Saya and Sanshiro have a happy meal. Hearing the person coming, Xiao Ye got up to open the door.
Cut to the middle and near - Hinoki Henggennosuke pulls the door and enters.
Cut to the middle - Sanshiro looked at him. (Internal counterattack)
Cut to the middle and near - the help of Hino Hengyuan sees Xiaoye.
(Reverse fight) Xiao Ye bowed his head.
Hinoki Hengyuan's help to see the master.
The master bowed his head.
Cut to the panorama - the position of a few people. (Top Corner) (Dark Field)
D, Hinosuke Hien Gennosuke challenges Sanshiro.
1, close-up - the duel of Hinoki Henggennosuke.
Shake up close-up - the swaying bamboo shadow on the window (Xiao Ye), the swaying lamp in the house.
Cut to the distant view - Sanshiro sings aloud on the undulating Ukyo grassland.
Cut to close-up - clouds floating in the sky. (Sanshiro's subjective shot) (Fate?)
Cut to the middle shot - Sanshiro raising his head and singing.
Cut to the perspective - Master Iinuma and Nosuke Hinogenosuke who came. (Sanshiro's subjective lens/)
Cut to close-up - clouds floating in the sky.
2. Cut to the middle and near--Hinosuke Henggennosuke and Master Iinuma. Hinoki Henggennosuke took off his coat and threw it aside.
Cut to the middle and near - Sanshiro took off his coat, neatly folded it and put it aside.
Cut to the distant view - three people gathered. Iinuma went to the middle referee. (Top corner)
Cut to the close-up - the attitude of Hinogen nosuke.
Cut to the middle - Mr. Iinuma tried to stop him.
Cut to a close-up view - Hinoyuki Gennosuke took off another piece of clothing and threw it away, ignoring advice.
Cut to the middle - Mr. Iinuma is helpless.
Cut to the close-up - Sanshiro apologized and resolutely played.
Cut to medium shot - Iinuma announces the start of the game.
3. Cut to the near special - the staring eyes of Hinoyuki Gennosuke and Sanshiro. (Inside back shot)
Cut to panorama - the position of three people. (Top corner)
Cut to near special - two people looking at each other. (Inside backhand)
Cut to Xiaoquan - Sanshiro took the initiative to walk towards Hiei Henggennosuke. (moves)
Cut to the near special - two people look at each other. (Inside backhand)
Cut to the near special - the help of Hinoki Hengyuan, Sanshiro's low block. (Inside back shot)
Cut to the long shot - two people writhing. (top corner)
4. Cut to the panorama - two people writhe. Sanshiro kicked out Hinoyuki Gennosuke.
Cut to the middle and near - terrified Xiao Ye.
Cut to Xiaoquan - Xiaoye ran past the rolling cypress Henggennosuke and
cut to the middle shot - Xiaoye and Sanshiro looked at each other, and Sanshiro walked away. (Move)
Cut to the middle and near - Master Iinuma who is watching the battle.
5. Cut to medium shot - two people tumbling.
Cut to Xiaoquan - anxious Master Iinuma and Saya. Hinoken Gennosuke pinched Sanshiro and got up and entered the
front of the screen.
Cut to the middle - anxious Iinuma and Saya.
Cut to the middle and near - Hinoyuki Gennosuke pinches Sanshiro.
Cut to the near special - the murderous expression of Hinoko Gennosuke.
Sanshiro's expression of resistance,
cut to a close-up - the murderous expression of Hiroko Gennosuke.
Sanshiro's expression showed that he was gradually losing consciousness.
Cut to close-up - clouds in the sky. (Subjective shot of Sanshiro) (Fade out) The
stagnant white cloud. (fading out)
Bright lotus flowers.
Cut to a close-up - a smile appeared on Sanshiro's face.
The help of Hinoki Hengyuan worked harder.
Sanshiro stretched out a hand to block his poisonous hand.
Cut to the middle and near - Master Iinuma and Xiaoye Jingjing.
Sanshiro's counterattack (movement).
Cut to the small book - Master Iinuma catches up.
Shake - Sanshiro threw the cypress Henggen nosuke out.
Cut to Kinte - Master Iinuma's hands that stopped him.
Cut to Xiaoquan—the juniper Henggennosuke who was thrown down did not give up and asked to continue, but rolled down the mountain
. (Move)
Cut to the panorama - the position of the four, Hinoki Hengyuan nosuke slowly slides down. (Dark field)
Ending: Sanshiro set off for a trip.
1. Close-up - The stake in the lotus pond is
cut to the middle shot - Yano, the monk and Mr. Iinuma are laughing in the house.
Cut to the middle and near - Mr. Iinuma and Yano are unaware of Sanshiro's trip.
Cut to the middle and near - the monk suddenly realized.
2. Cut to a close-up - the fast scenery outside the window.
Shake out the middle shot - Sanshiro and Saya on the train. Xiaoye sent him to Yokohama.
Cut to close-up - shy night.
Shy Sanshiro.
Cut to medium shot - Saya has something in her eyes. Sanshiro is going to help her. He told Xiao Ye that he would be back soon. Xiaoye smiled.
3. Cut to close-up - railway safety guardrail.
Cut to - the locomotive, the train is heading forward. (Sanshiro keeps moving forward)

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