Russian modernity and Russian youth and the intersection of Russian beliefs and cultures and Russian

Clarissa 2022-03-03 08:01:33

I read a little introduction, and avoided the war theme a bit (either old-fashioned or too emotional),
but then one day, the memory expired, and it seems that this film has a good response in Russia, and it needs a sequel, so. . .
Russian films, modern Russian films, just like her words do not disappoint, Russian soil will always produce good wine.
At the beginning, I'm worried that this gang of violent, game boys either kills themselves in a fight or punches someone in the stomach while they're juggling pistols - that's not fun. . .
After that, the emotions that should be present in the whole film are all there, and almost all that can be reflected in the fire of war and the PK of living people are alluded to -
the artistic temperament of Russia, which is quite elegant, quite fresh, and try not to be pretentious, is worse than that of life. It's all there, shooting blockbusters (although I've only just begun to fiddle), shooting modern films, and shooting entertainment films can be so stable

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Extended Reading
  • John 2022-03-16 09:01:09

    If those who gave everything for their ideals knew that the country they fought for today is no more

  • Chadrick 2022-03-15 09:01:11

    In other words, this is the first time I saw a dew point in a domestic public film~