No gods descend to earth, but mortals who wake up

Stefan 2022-02-26 08:02:01

From the moment she was picked up in the trash and woke up, she was destined to fight to the end.
The content of this ova is roughly the content in volumes 1 and 2 of the comics, and the director has not changed much. Basically, the characters of the storyline are copied from the comics, and the ova with this picture is not very good. But helpless ova Such a film has not been filmed since, and I don't know why. I am guessing that it may be more and more popular pseudo-girls and soft girls are naturally dumb. This kind of women who can't speak Yingge's soft words and comforting words, but really have the style of a tough guy and pure, are no longer popular; there is also a kind of It may be that she is not so beautiful, without a moving face, nor a proud figure, with a thick octopus mouth and shaggy hair, she is not so close to the public's aesthetics. In short, for whatever reason, she stayed in this somewhat rough animation in the animation until this year when James Carmeron announced that she was going to be made into a movie. I think after sleeping for many years, she met "Ide" again, The angel of steel will once again bloom her wings.
I'm not very satisfied with the selection of this ova, it only talks about what happened before Gary participated in the death ball, and at the end, Yuhao was smashed by the defense mechanism of Salem, and the dust returned to the dust. In fact, at that moment, Gary's heart was completely broken, and he fell to death with Yuhao. Although she is not flesh and blood, she must be able to feel the heart-wrenching feeling completely. This is a very important turning point for her to become strong. The previous bounty hunter Sha Yong or Carmack is a foreshadowing for her awakening. The whole ova is a foreshadowing, it has not arrived Cut when you have an orgasm, that's not an ordinary feeling. Although Gary has also improved herself by changing her body and constantly fighting, what really affects her is the events that can shake her heart. Every strong shake can arouse her memories of the former Mars, make her body regain the feeling of mecha, and also purify her soul, making her heart become more and more pure, more and more It cannot be easily shaken, and in the end it will be a veritable "heart of steel". There is nothing in this ova that reflects Gary's continuous refining and sublimation process, that is, mechanical battles, and very weak voice actors. If someone watches this ova without reading the previous comics, they will definitely think it is a It's a scumbag animation that can't be more scumbag, because Gary is made like a little girl who is awkward and timid (in fact, she has existed for hundreds of years). The director did not distinguish the difference between hesitation and cowardice, and it was the hesitation in his heart and the swiftness of his actions, which was not reflected here either.
In fact, when it comes to Chinese translations, some are called Gary, and some are called Kelly. If you look at the Japanese pronunciation, Gary seems to be more sticky, like the American version of the comics directly called Alita... To be honest, this is my least favorite. translated name.
Now that the comics have been serialized for so many years, I feel a little like a eunuch. When I drew the first part, Mr. Mucheng said that he couldn't draw it anymore, and he couldn't draw it at all. As a result, it ended hastily, which led to the first time I read the comics. At that time, I didn't understand the ending at all when I was young. As a result, from the beginning of the second part, both the structure and the world view are larger, but fortunately the author controls it very well. The disadvantage is that Gary has become a pawn that leads to the follow-up content. It seems that she, who is the protagonist on the stage, is getting dimmer and dim. , was overwhelmed by miscellaneous people and long stories, not as clear as the outline of the first part, which strongly highlighted her as the protagonist. But the whole story is still very good. Every time I praise "Gun Dream", I don't hesitate. Japanese manga likes to show all kinds of stories of anger, but "Gun Dream" here is a little different. It puts hard work. Transformed into a normal state, the protagonists of many stories are getting closer and closer to the feeling of "God" in the end, but Gary in "Gun Dream" is getting closer and closer to the feeling of "human".

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Extended Reading
  • Domenica 2022-04-23 07:04:37

    Make up for the movie of Kashen. . But this seems to be done for more than 50 minutes in two episodes? Just these two episodes are great. Doomsday complex, fighting girls, biochemical robots, bloody and violent, it seems that the comics still need to be supplemented. .

  • America 2022-04-23 07:04:37

    Impressive at the end!