Do you want to be the most NB backpacker in the world?

Raphael 2022-01-25 08:04:58

As a travel enthusiast, I highly recommend this film this person.

Do you want to be the most NB backpacker in the world? First compare with Aron Ralston, you will feel that you are not a magic horse. . .

The film educates us:
Rule No. 1, tell others wherever you go, and leave a note, don’t think it’s cool to disappear from the world;

Rule No. 2, exercise your body, you can stop eating for 5 consecutive days and only drink a small amount of water You can also work hard to save yourself. It is best to practice drinking pee horses in peacetime to prepare for emergencies;

Rule No. 3, don’t buy Made In China travel equipment, whether you want to bring a Swiss army knife;

Rule No. 4, encounter emergencies Don't collapse in critical situations!

The story told by the movie is very simple, but the strength is well mastered, and it is happy before the accident. Just like every beautiful journey, there are beautiful scenery on the way, and you can meet beautiful women on the ground. You can do everything smoothly-you just don’t know what will happen in the next second. What's up. Accidents are often in an instant, and then everything disappears, only you are left. Some shots of the film are very real, and I can't bear to watch it...

This film reminds me of another movie "Into the Wild", which is also very good. It is a bit similar and is based on real characters and events. , But the final result of the protagonist is very different. The last boy in the wilderness is dead, maybe this is how he got freedom. But Aron Ralston is obviously a person with a strong desire to survive, and it is his concern for his family that makes him finally reborn.

Personally, the most important part of him is not just that he cut off his arm. After such an accident, he still loves extreme tourism and climbed N snow-capped mountains alone. If he hadn’t had a strong belief, I’m afraid Most people will take their heart away and never go to dangerous places again, right? Only after this incident, Aron learned the habit of leaving notes wherever he went. SO, you know.

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127 Hours quotes

  • Aron Ralston: Hey there, Aron! Is it true that you didn't tell anyone where you were going?

  • Aron Ralston: You know, I've been thinking. Everything is... just comes together. It's me. I chose this. I chose all of this. This rock... this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. In its entire life, ever since it was a bit of meteorite a million, billion years ago up there In space. It's been waiting, to come here. Right, right here. I've been moving towards it my entire life. The minute I was born, every breath I've taken, every action has been leading me to this crack on the earth's surface.