Hans: A Side of Forrest Gump

Arjun 2022-03-04 08:01:18

When watching this movie, I often think of Forrest Gump, Hans and Forrest Gump run the same, but with different results. Hans fell in love with speed and excitement, successfully escaped after repeated robberies, and pursued a pure and eternal sense of movement. Forrest Gump, on the other hand, is an instinctive reaction, which seems to be a state of reaction of life. His running is even more blind. Forrest Gump does not have a complete understanding of society. Facing the death of his mother, he does not know how to be afraid.
If Forrest Gump's IQ is higher than 75, then his life will undergo earth-shaking changes. He knows friendship and love, and he will be afraid in war and become timid and cowardly. In short, he will become Hans.

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Extended Reading
  • Braeden 2022-04-19 09:03:02

    This is not a gang crime, and there is no good guy weapon, just an athlete, just living a life without goals and looking for excitement, this theme attracted me. After reading it, there is no commercial element. This is a true portrayal. German prisons are really good. After they were released, they investigated and wrote a report afterwards. The moment the parole officer was beaten to death, it was very sudden. Is this the way of doing things in Germany? Either don't move, or move in one step. . . .

  • Daphney 2022-03-21 09:03:20

    Robber plot, some live to run, some live to die, wash