[Movie] 12008 [2.15] "Fullmetal Alchemist Movie: The Sacred Star of the Hill of Sighs"

Trycia 2022-01-28 08:25:31

After 2 years of absence, we welcome the new theatrical version of "Steel" again. Suddenly, the memories of Edward Brothers 6 years ago reappeared in front of us.

I'm so patient, when I almost forgot about Arakawa Hiroshi, the brand new TV version of "Steel" started to be played there, but I was no longer young and I just gave up after watching the first episode of Zuo, because it was really bad I didn't have much time to pursue it, and in the end, I only left the "Again" by YUI on the computer. I used to be so obsessed with this animation, and if I met again, I would be excited for a moment, so it's not worth it.

To be fair, I think this work is still wonderful, but it's really not as good as the first theatrical version of "The Conqueror of Kabbalah" in 2009. No matter the arrangement and setting, even the music can't be compared with the famous song "Lost Heaven" of the previous work. , back in the day, the soundtrack, OP, and EP of "Steel" could be a symbol of the times, and Milos in the script, no matter how I looked at it, I thought it was a copy of Ishbal? Could it be that there are so many human bodies in the city that no one has discovered it?

Despite the disappointment, the feelings really made up for him a lot of points. The online applause is basically from his peers who have experienced the old TV version. In fact, all the "steel" fans are in the heart of "steel" It's definitely a boutique, this one may be the magic of Arakawa Hiroshi and Mizushima Seiji, and then prove from the side how legendary the original work was.

Unconditional support, once every 2 years, no recommendation, no collection.

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Extended Reading
  • Joannie 2022-04-20 09:02:42

    This is 4 stars for the feeling of steelmaking

  • Ruth 2022-04-21 09:03:38

    It's a little bloody, and the fighting scenes look cool

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos quotes

  • Lt. Colonel Herschel: That was an impressive job you did transmuting the star. You asked who I am. Don't you remember me, Atlas?

    Melvin Voyager: Can't be. Not you!

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: [Herschel reveals his disfigured face to Melvin/Atlas] Yes. Before you peeled off my face, people knew me as Ashleigh Crichton.

    Julia Crichton: My brother, Ashleigh?

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: There isn't a day goes by that I don't think about what you did to me.

    [flashback to years ago]

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: You stripped the skin from my face and under my arm. But I found the Sanguine Star that my parents had kept for their research. By using it's power, I was able to survive.

    [back to present day]

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: You were supposed to protect us, Atlas. instead, you MURDERED by parents!

    Melvin Voyager: Damn you, I've come so far!

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: [Gripping Melvin/Atlas's face] You can apologize to them in the afterlife.

    [Fries Atlas's head with alchemy]

  • Lt. Colonel Herschel: Well, well, an Amestrian officer has come calling

    Edward Elric: Unfortunately for you, the ruins of Milos has been destroyed.

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: You've been busy, haven't you. No matter. I've memorized the transmutation circle for the star. All I have to do is rebuild it.

    Edward Elric: What are you planning to do with the star? Why do you want it?

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: I'll use it to open the Doorway of Truth. And then, I will establish a new order. A world nobody has ever seen before! It will be my ultimate achievement. Truth is the only thing worth striving for, and I shall master it! Now, Julia, don't you want to join me?

    Edward Elric: Shut up already! What do you think you've become some kind of god now? You've swallowed the star and in return it's consumed your soul. It's time for you to wake up!

    Lt. Colonel Herschel: Hmph! That's rich coming from someone who violated the taboo!