immoral secret

Leonard 2022-03-07 08:01:03

When I went to work and took the subway in the morning, a middle-aged woman moved me and said, "Can you give me a seat?" Then she pointed to a middle-aged man and the child he was holding. Then I got up. They sat down. But there was an inexplicable anger in me. I really want to yell at them: Do you know what it's like to stand on the Beijing subway for 3 hours a day? But I know if I do that I'm done, and the other people in the car will either accuse me or look at me in a strange light. They got off after three stops. Nothing happened.
Although morality is not compulsory, once you make any inappropriate behavior, morality will destroy your soul more cruelly than any evil behavior. So the assessment will happen unconsciously before you want to do anything immoral. For me, the big deal is just standing there for a few hours. But the price of morality is not the same for everyone. For some people, the consequences of obeying morality are not what they can bear, just like the male protagonist in the film cannot choose his origin, just think about it The life of an ordinary person is unattainable. In the end, he kills his abusive father. Morality is too heavy for him, and evil deeds are a relief, even at the cost of self-destruction.

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