Said this film is good-looking, who will help me explain the chaotic logic?

Joannie 2022-03-22 09:01:09

Not to mention that this poor British humor makes me feel bored. There are too many bugs in this film. I will briefly talk about a few points in ten minutes:
1. What can make him die in the hospital for 28 days without eating or drinking ? Just 3 or 4 days after dehydration, a person died.
2. After the epic disaster, the male pig's feet woke up. There were no signs of zombies in the hospital? Is there nothing in the blood of the dead? Only messy medical equipment and blank paper?
3. The whole street was empty, not even the shadows of corpses and zombies, and there were no blood stains. He has been screaming on the street for so long and can't recruit zombies?
4. The male pig's feet lit a candle and attracted the zombie to kill his companion. The blood of the zombie was everywhere, and he had nothing to do. Later in Manchester, the girl's father looked at a drop of zombie blood dripping into his eyes and transformed himself. . . When your eyes see things flying towards you, they will close subconsciously. Even if your brain forcibly wants to open your eyes, it is impossible, unless there is a problem with the uncle’s nerve conduction, but it is quite normal to look at him
. 5. It can be seen from the dream of male pig's feet that he is a timid person who is afraid of loneliness. There is another point that can be verified. Before he and the black girl saw their father and daughter, they entered the building and climbed the stairs to see the zombies at night. He helplessly begged the black girl not to leave him alone. However, it is just such a coward, a chicken guy who can’t be called a man. He didn’t listen to dissuasion at the gas station, walked into the small black room alone, and suddenly became so powerful in the later stage of the movie. I think the man in the man can only be compared with the book. gene mutations play a more zombies do not fly to explain

that he was in handcuffs how climbed that high wall of (above barbed wire ...)? Why did the handcuffs he wore suddenly disappeared later? I think the male pig learned magic

to kill his soldiers also rub the extreme, heavy rain out of the camp has always been taboo, to the point of actually military also split up, find a way to be all broken up, court death it? Think about it. These soldiers should be able to live to the present. These soldiers should have means and means, experience and experience. Then every one of the well-trained soldiers became cowards, either hiding in the cupboard or in the corner, seeing Zombies can't even use guns anymore

I don't understand, what exactly are the zombies? If it is cannibalism, why not eat clean? Just a bite, is it worth it? It took so much running around to catch a prey. . . If you just want to spread the virus, and more to get the same kind, I have nothing to say, deeply moved by the spirit of selfless zombie

zombies seems very smart, in the tunnel to see the car started running aware of their speed can not keep up, slow down Not chasing down. I can look in the mirror and be able to judge that I am in the mirror. I think it’s amazing. I can run, bark, run violently, and it’s okay if I don’t eat for a few days. I think if there is such an environment, I would rather turn into a zombie than be afraid to hide in Tibet.

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Extended Reading
  • Einar 2021-10-20 19:00:28

    Literary and artistic zombie films, the last perverted barracks or something, people are far more terrifying than zombies!

  • Orrin 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    In fact, you are not alone, but you meet lonely companions 2016.10.2 Nongguangli

28 Days Later... quotes

  • [Frank tells Hannah his last words before becoming infected]

    Frank: Hannah, I love you very much.

    Hannah: What?

    Frank: [Frank quietly warns Hannah] Keep away from me. Stay where you are.

    Hannah: Dad?

    Frank: [Frank begins shouting] Keep away from me!

    Hannah: Dad?

    Frank: [Frank dashes to Hannah and pushes her to the ground] Keep away from me! Keep away from me! Keep away! Keep away!

    Hannah: Dad!

  • [Major Henry West introduces Jim to the infected Mailer]

    Major Henry West: And lastly, meet Mailer.

    Major Henry West: [Mailer dashes at Jim from behind the hanging sheets] Mailer, Jim. Jim, Mailer. Got infected two days ago. Mitchell managed to knock him out cold, and we got a chain around his neck.

    Jim: You're keeping him alive?

    Major Henry West: The idea was to learn something about infection. Have him teach me.

    Jim: And is he?

    Major Henry West: In a way. He's telling me he'll never bake bread, farm crops, raise livestock. He's telling me he's futureless. And eventually he'll tell me how long the infected take to starve to death.