No one can warm anyone unless they snuggle up tightly

Alisha 2022-03-07 08:01:03

Yes, we may all know the things in the world, but we alone cannot really know ourselves. How should we position ourselves? The background of the film is based on the disorder after the Great East Japan Earthquake. People are in a state of confusion and confusion, so abused women, idle gangsters, neurotic prisoners, and extreme youths on the bus appear from time to time in the film. Post-disaster reconstruction means not only the reconstruction of urban facilities, but also the reconstruction of fragile minds after the collapse of society. The hero and heroine Keiko Chazawa and Sumita are both victims of domestic violence, but Chazawa worships Sumita and thinks he is a genius. Sumita looks at Chazawa like a monster because he thinks he is a mediocre. They were misfits on the fringes, they were treated as "who shouldn't be", domestic violence made the two children eccentric and withdrawn, and no peers wanted to play with them. Unless the two of them snuggle with each other to keep warm. Sumita was questioned by his father time and time again, why didn't he drown in the first place? His mother abandoned him to run away with someone else, and Chazawa's parents always forced her to tell her that when the gallows is ready, you will die. So much so that the two children had to doubt the rationality of their existence, whether they really should not exist, and whether they were the scum of society. Sumita wanted to kill his father more than once. For him, his father's existence would only bring him disaster. He has to pay his father's debts, to be abused and beaten by his father, and to be questioned by his father why he is alive. Finally, in a fit of rage, he killed his father. Muddy roads, deserted scenes, rainy nights, and mud after a fight, these images make my father's death seem absurd and reasonable. Facing his father's death, he was at a loss for a moment, and just desperately dragged his father's body into a clearing and dug a pit to bury the body. Then he sat blankly on the stool by the door of the house. Although he wanted to kill his father, after his father was really killed, he did not feel relieved. He felt that he was indeed the incarnation of evil, an existence that should not exist. The TV was showing the murderer he had talked to during the day. So he collapsed, blackened, and let out a roar, filled with his own anger and confusion. The camera cuts to the next day, when he came out of the river, painted his whole body with various paints, and said to the tape recorder: "Today is May 7th, the first day of my life with the gift, I didn't surrender or commit suicide, look. I'm much more despicable than I thought, anyway, it's a cheap life and I want to use it effectively once, even if only once, to contribute to society." Sumita used this extreme way to express his depression and helplessness, The more extreme it is, the more proof he desires to be saved. He alternated several times between living and committing suicide, In the end, he did not have the courage to press the trigger of the pistol. The living people often carry heavier burdens than the dead, so he had to give up on himself and put a dagger in his pocket to find what he thought was a social scumbag under the guise of killing the people. The director uses this phenomenon of disorderly collapse after the disaster to wake up the world and pay attention to the physical and mental health of young people, so that the audience can reflect on their own faults after seeing this conceivable collapse of the chaotic society, and give themselves a clear position and focus on it. Shape your own mind, at least not to destroy the next generation because of your own collapse. Director Sono Ziwen changed the background setting of the original work, making this warning effect more adequate, more gimmicky, and more clever, not to mention the difference between the plot and the character settings of the movie and the original work, just look at the purpose of the warning to know that it is a success . Moreover, literary works and movies themselves have different ways of expressing skills. It is not necessary to worry about the story setting and plot deletion, but should pay attention to whether there is the same "god" between the two. It's just that recasting itself requires mutual support and mutual warmth. If society is warm, there will be no more broken social systems and no more distorted personalities. The story ends with an open and happy ending. Sumita was persuaded by Chazawa and decided to turn himself in the next day, and the night before that, told each other about their beautiful vision for the future. The two people were talking, crying and laughing at the same time. The warm and sad scene could not help but make people sigh. The minds of teenagers are not mature, there are still many possibilities, and there is human nature that has not yet been destroyed. Therefore, if there is a new life, hope exist. Just like the last two protagonists running towards the front and shouting "Come on", everything will have a new life. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed. March 21, 2013 ps: I have always wanted to write a review of this movie, but never had the chance. I had the opportunity to write today, but I feel that I have not expressed what I want to express. Effort is needed.

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Extended Reading
  • Issac 2022-03-07 08:01:03

    thought he was dead. He suddenly came out and said, go to the police station. Men who have women etc. don't die.

  • Ladarius 2022-03-18 09:01:09

    The taste has faded, Yuan Ziwen, I really like the bridge between the two of them slapping each other. I didn't like it at the end, but I couldn't do anything about it. Since the background of the earthquake was introduced, I had to add a positive mainstream value color. Yuan Ziwen didn't dare to perform the heavy taste of pornography, gambling and drugs in the national pain. Both children are doing well, look good.