classic proverb

Abdullah 2022-01-26 08:46:04

- The truth sets you free (-Bible), but not makes you happy.

- She's either evil, or she's a two-year-old, she wants what she wants when she wants it.

- Healing is a matter of adjusting your mind to God's will...

- End justifies the means. (E11 black and white racism and hot spots are evident in this TV series in the 90s)

- Whatever it costs (E21 In the 90s, the United States also had to find matching organs. To spend a lot of money to operate on a living person without waking up... ) Hell, No!

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Extended Reading
  • Therese 2022-03-22 09:02:50

    Every episode discusses a very classic proposition, a very comprehensive introductory textbook; Uncle Stone will always be my male god

  • Freddy 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Ten stars can't express my compliment! This society is made up of people after all! People are the ones who commit crimes, people are judged, and people are the ones who build order. What can be more thorough than this drama to express this delicate relationship?

Law & Order quotes

  • Adam Schiff: You do what you have to do, you're still welcome to my scotch.

  • Det. Lennie Briscoe: I want to go to law school so I can learn how to turn gold into lead.