Good movie, but a few rants

Marguerite 2022-01-31 08:07:21

The beginning is very good, with tension, depth, horror, suspense, interlocking, and rigorous logic. But the back is too bad, you can carry the misery to the end, but you can't let the protagonist be Superman in front and become an idiot in the last 10 minutes.
1. When the dismissed police captain came to visit the prison, the male protagonist Frank should immediately tell him that his family was in danger when he learned that the inmates were perverted. The director of the subsequent plot can arrange for the captain to go to his house to find someone to no avail.
2. Frank should have been tortured to extract a confession in front of the pharmacy, and asked him to explain the whereabouts of his daughter. If he was stubborn, he would have broken hands and feet, and the tracking was so complicated. .
3. I tracked the pervert and saw my daughter. If I went up to kill the pervert immediately, I would stab it with a knife, smash it with a chair, or beat it with a fist. It's impossible to let my daughter out of my sight
4. After the pervert was shot by the policewoman, if you don't kill him immediately, at least you will kill him. Your beautiful queen was also killed by him, you must at least take revenge.
Well, I'm talking nonsense, this movie is still good, 4 stars

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Extended Reading
  • Milton 2022-04-20 09:02:42

    More attractive than the current blockbuster, violent family action gunfight beauties

  • Ike 2022-01-31 08:07:21

    A surprising French commercial action film, the plot that should be very thunderous appears extremely real, and the characters are full. Another: "Prey" once again proves that in today's successful French action films, the physical fitness of the actors is really important, and it is easy to die of exhaustion if the physique is not an athlete.