Disney doesn't understand why we like to watch bad guys

Adelbert 2022-01-25 08:05:00

For me, there is only one climax in this film, that is, the few minutes when the Queen is super aura of the cursed princess, because these few minutes have shown us all the aspects that we like Maleficent: arrogant, domineering, disdainful, and noble. The reaction from the audience is too. After King said "we don't welcome you", Maleficent pretended to be sad + laugh + Oh dear, what an awkward situation basically showed us all the aspects we like her most. In this clip, the uncles sitting behind me all laughed. Because it's so aura. I really gave Disney the ability to vent orgasm. This clip was released a month before the film was released. I wanted to watch it so much. After watching the whole film, I realized that the part that I wanted to watch the most had already been released in advance. Up. Humph. (Or should I say "Well, well"?)

In an interview, Julie said that Maleficent's encounter was a metaphor for rape. I knelt at the time. So do the wings represent the virgin body... and then the virgin body can grow back? 囧rz

Maleficent has very few scenes in the original "Sleeping Beauty", but it is very popular because she is very sassy, ​​very arrogant, very charismatic, and is inexplicably evil, so this unsourced evil may be something In this sense, people like her more. In the original work, it seems that because she was not invited and had a temper, she cursed the princess. It's completely a ruthless character for no reason, but it is also very interesting. The new work makes her more arrogant, especially the addition of "I like you to beg me, beg me again." This line, it is almost, it has a little SM flavor...

Disney is really a company that believes in the goodness of human nature. The emotional climax of the whole film is that Maleficent kisses the princess to wake up. The key is that we can make the film more interesting on the basis of reaching that point. Let us look at the evil side of Maleficent, instead of using super long The prelude, adding a short tsundere orgasm, and then venting again. After the birthday ceremony, Maleficent was under the care of the fairy (bai) and Liang (chi), and he couldn't bear to protect the child by himself (the child fell off the cliff and the three of them were still playing happily), and he started pranking, my queen. Where did you go? ? ? We want to see her bad side! !

I think there are two ways to shoot a villain. One is to whitewash the villain like Disney, explain the villain’s motives for doing everything clearly, and turn the villain into a person who has a good nature but has been blackened. The other is like the Joker in "The Dark Knight", without explaining so many things that happened before, but directly describing most of his actions and character after being blackened. Which is more interesting from a viewing angle? It must be the latter. I think the reason why the clown can become a phenomenon-level villain is because of the shaping of his personality and his beliefs, rather than explaining to you how his beliefs are formed. Of course, "The Dark Knight" also explained the reasons for his deterioration in a subtle way (the scars on his face lead to the fact that his father is an alcoholic, his family is unhappy, and his girlfriend's abandonment), but most of the pen and ink is on his evil side. And the evil persists, so it's interesting. The problem with Maleficent is that the evil side is only a short paragraph cursing the princess (because only that paragraph is in the original work, and the lines have not changed much), and then washed white and white again, it is really boring, why do we have to How can the audience accept her in this way? In a sense, the audience doesn't care why you are bad. As long as you are bad and consistent, have enough faith in your goals, strive to achieve your goals, and have a unique personality charm, the audience will still like you like a clown. I am afraid that Disney has no confidence in itself. But because she is the protagonist, a process from good to bad to good is not impossible. Again, before she gets better again, the film can be made a little more interesting and let us see more evil.

The whole film is very fragmented, in other words, the trailer can be cut super nice, but the film is finished. The director started from the art direction, and his ability to shape the environment and the use of related shots is indeed very strong, but it is not enough to make a good movie.

By the way, the style is too similar. The director has also participated in "Alice in Wonderland" and "Wonderland", plus this movie, you can see what he likes:

1. There must be a close-up of a strange creature flying in the sky. (A bird in Alice, a river fairy in Oz, a fluorescent mermaid in the sky playing with the princess in this film)
2. There must be various strange creatures
3. There must be a bunch of strange plants
4. There must be a bunch of flowers in full bloom (A bunch of strange flowers bloomed when Alice first entered Wonderland, and when Fu Lanlan first entered Oz, a bunch of strange flowers bloomed, and a bunch of strange flowers bloomed before Aurora was finally crowned. It's where the flowers bloom. Where to go, really spineless flower)
5. You must have a first-point view of flying around or exploring the beautiful surroundings and
so on. I can’t talk about it, but the visual effect is pretty good.

If you have seen this super aura The curse of the scene, but you expect to see more similar aura and evil scenes throughout the film, you may be disappointed.

With a link to this clip,
Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE5NDA2MTI4.html
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1sS3fLOJFg

Oh dear, Disney really doesn’t understand why we like to watch it Badass

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Extended Reading
  • Emmanuelle 2022-03-23 09:01:22

    It looks dark, but it is Lily-but even so, it is a small breakthrough to Disney, which has always been shy. Julie is old, but the skeleton is still there. Hollywood will never show mercy to the "Phoenix Man". This is the correct value.

  • Darion 2022-03-23 09:01:22

    Angelina Jolie’s triangular cheekbones propped up the whole film.

Maleficent quotes

  • Maleficent: I call on those who live in the shadows. Fight with me now!

  • Princess Aurora: [after she awakens from her enchanted sleep] Hello, Godmother.

    Maleficent: Hello, Beastie.