Nausicaa - a true princess

Scarlett 2022-03-22 09:01:35

Most of the princesses portrayed in film and television dramas are innocent, kind and delicate little girls who are escorted by knights or princes wherever they go, which indirectly leads to nine out of ten girls now having a princess dream and seven having a princess disease. ...This kind of unrealistic fantasy often turns into a bubble before the cold reality, and Nausicaa in "Nausicaa" sets us a true princess example.

Nausicaa is not a delicate princess trapped in a castle, but a guardian who rides the wind and travels between heaven and earth. She is healthy and strong, with first-rate wind control skills, good observation, able to communicate with nature, can calm angry king bugs, comfort a lost fox squirrel, single out a group of enemies, and repair windmills... She is an all-rounder... ...

In addition, Nausicaa is also very popular among the people. In the past, most of the princesses we saw were of high status and high status, but Nausicaa has won the love of all the people in the Valley of the Wind. In order to protect everyone's safety, she had to choose to temporarily surrender to the enemy. No matter how critical the moment was, she would never give up anyone's life. Nausicaa was the guardian of the Valley of the Wind, guarding the hope of the people.

Nausicaa is a bit like Shan in "Princess Mononoke", both are middlemen between man and nature, but Shan chooses the side of nature, Nausicaa chooses to guard her own people and coordinate the relationship between man and nature. Paradoxically, this point is more inclined to Ashida. Ashidaka didn't find a real way to coordinate until the end of the story, and Nausicaa used her own sacrifice to quell the angry king bug, but it seems that she still hasn't found a real solution... It seems that Mr. Gong didn't think of it either. The answer... (seems to be too far away) But Nausicaa's righteous landing in front of the angry king insect swarm really shocked me, this is the real warrior.

Nausicaa is the best princess I've ever seen, wake up those princess patients, look at Nausicaa, this is what a real princess should do.

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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind quotes

  • Kushana: Nice valley. Think I'll keep it.

  • Yupa: [about Kushana's arm] An insect did that?

    Kushana: Yes, and whatever lucky man becomes my husband shall see far worse than that.