
Ashleigh 2021-10-13 13:08:19

"When I became a man, I put naive things out." Toy Story 3 is an amazing and magical picture that reminds people of Tarsus' famous saying, but it's made The reader has never forgotten the feeling of being a child. Pixar Animation Studios continues their nearly continuous animation masterpiece, returning to the best toy box in the movie with colorful emotions. In the first emotional stimulus of the story, the first scene penetrates into a loose and amazing imaginary entertainment. In that era, we all designed our own world and toy story. But Andy has finally grown up and is about to go to college. His toys (most of them are here, although some have already left, due to age, broken and yard sales), were destroyed due to too little play. He came up with a well-designed plan to force Andy to take them. Pick it up and remember the time to play the game. They are sad, but very practical-"every toy can pass this." A week before going to college, Andy's mother asked Andy to separate the toys he wanted and put them in the attic. Those were garbage. In a mix, Buzz Lightyear, Potato Head and some others barely escaped from the landfill (in the untouched bin) to the local daycare center. This furry teddy bear was angered and angered by being replaced. It leads a chilling and completely corrupt totalitarian regime in the center. Our heroes are stuffed into the children's caterpillar room, even without their dignity, they can hardly escape. Lotso used iron to strengthen discipline, and finally reprogrammed to serve him-trying to get him back to a normal movie, which is the most inspired animation in the movie. The rest of the movie is basically a perfect combination of Toy Story and Prison Break. This is the most exciting U-rated action-adventure movie I have ever seen, and this is Pixar's last one. (Some moments may make very young children feel uneasy-this monkey!) Since Toy Story 2, the development of character animation has taken a leap. Human beings are more plastic and more energetic. The performances of all the main characters are richer and more detailed. This is essential for the upcoming drama. Barbie and Ken ("I'm not a girl's toy!" "You are a wallet with legs!") have their own interesting and interesting story lines, and the sound of the paintings is as unnoticeable as always. One that stands out is Fisher's classic chat phone, an old timer in the middle. Teddy. The combination of Newton's work and gorgeous animation (performed by the eyebrows, has never been so sublime!) to create an incredibly world-weary Performance. Pixar always provides gorgeous scripts, and this is no different from Michael Arndt's Michael Arndt-it's a fly in their story meeting. This story contains huge laughter and rich sorrow. It seems that without any effort, it finally leads to a big ending, and almost no one has dry eyes. It's perfect. In order to earn points, the gangs were locked up, including Rex's "major predator" status and video game addiction.

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Extended Reading
  • Adella 2021-10-20 18:58:10

    It is not just as simple as a movie for me, but represents the memories and nostalgia of my childhood. The whole movie theater laughs constantly from beginning to end, but I believe that more people will be moved by the second half of the film. I believe anyone who has seen the first two will be very emotional. ★★★★☆

  • Juston 2021-10-20 18:58:05

    Personally, I think it is better than one or two, but I didn't expect it to be so warm and touching that my eyes were almost red. 17-year-old teenagers don’t play with toys. Even so, they have found a good home for the toys. "Being played" is the meaning of the existence of toys. I'm sorry for the doll at the bottom of the box.

Toy Story 3 quotes

  • Ken: [Giving Andy's toys a tour of the daycare, Ken passes his dollhouse] And this... well, this is where I live. It's got a disco, it's got a dune buggy, and a whole room just for trying on clothes.

    Barbie: [gasps] You have everything!

    Ken: Everything... except someone to share it with...

    [he walks away]

    Barbie: [sighs lovingly]

  • Woody: [Woody is trying to find directions to Andy's house on Bonnie's mother's computer. Suddenly a chat window pops up, and Woody reads the username of its sender] Who's "Velocistar237"...?

    Trixie: [knocks Woody aside and starts typing frantically] Oh! That's just a dinosaur toy down the street, that's nothing, let just take care of that.

    [finishes typing]

    Trixie: It's just a dinosaur!

    Woody: All right...