What is a man and what is a ghost? ___________ My humble opinion on ghosts

Jeff 2022-01-28 08:29:33

I'm afraid of ghosts, baby do not scare me ah

today recommended the film called "Ghost husband", translated as "the shrill Wife" in Taiwan, which is regarded as a Thai horror film. Although the whole film is based on horror, it is full of deep warmth. The Thai director adapted from "The Ghost Wife" in 1999. This film has no gorgeous costumes and beautiful scenes. The actors appear in the shape of black teeth. In addition, the scene of the countryside in the Bangkok Dynasty is restored, which always gives people a kind of rural land. Duck's visual sense. From the horror and gloom at the beginning, to the humorous humor in the middle, and finally warm and touching. The director handles the details very well, and you will feel that the ending should be like this after watching the whole film, and they should be together.

Since the film was released in Thailand in 2013, the box office has been high. Sweeping major awards at home and abroad, in 2014, it became a box office miracle in the history of Thailand, and it also achieved the pinnacle of the hero and heroine's career. The director is also known as the production of conscience.

The film tells the story of the Bangkok Dynasty in Thailand. In a small town called Pakhonon, the male protagonist Mike was forced to join the army, leaving behind his wife Nana, who was about to give birth at home. On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, Mike finally returned to Pakanon with a few comrades with his tenacious will.

Of course, fighting is not a family game. After being away from home for several months, he didn't know that his wife Nana died because of an accidental miscarriage and had become a ghost. The ghost wife Nana stands by the river with her child every day and sings the song of hope for Langgui. , so everyone in the village knows that Nana is a ghost.

When he got home, Mike saw that his wife and children were there, and he couldn't tell how moved he was. He said, "Nana, when I was fighting, my mind was full of you and the children. Am I thinking about the birth of a child? How old is it? Did you have a name? Are you okay? I didn’t think about the country, I didn’t think about Bangkok, I only thought about you, I love you, thank you for giving me such a lovely son.” And Nana looked When she saw her husband's smile, she was helpless in her own smile.

Mike originally thought that after the war, the family could be together happily. But there were always people in the village who said that his wife Nana was a ghost, and Mike naturally didn't believe it, but his comrades gradually discovered that something was wrong with Nana. They finally confirmed that Nana was a ghost, thinking that people and ghosts have different paths, and they wanted to tell Mike the truth, but they were always hindered by many.

Before the film, Nana asked Mike, are you still as afraid of ghosts as before?

Mike said with a look of horror: "Baby knows that people are afraid of ghosts and scares others, baby is bad-_-#"

"If I were a ghost, would you be afraid?"

"How could the baby be a ghost ?"

Nana heard here She only smiled, but she couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes. It is a kind of sadness that even his lover is afraid of himself. But Mike was always full of joy and didn't seem to notice Nana's eyes. During O(∩_∩)O

sacrifices in the village, Nana took a mask and went to various activities with Mike. Silly Mike asked why the cute baby wears a mask, and Nana just said that it is more mysterious. All the staff in the haunted house (that is, pretending to be ghosts) were frightened by the real ghost. Mike didn't seem to notice. Mike and Nana's affectionate vows on the Ferris wheel moved many viewers. That kiss seemed like a goodbye.

Finally, in the Taoist temple, looking at Nana with black hair mopping the floor on the upside-down beam, the comrades in arms tried to persuade Mike to give up Nana. But Mike pushed his comrades away and walked towards his ghost wife. He said that from the moment they met again, he knew his wife was dead. He knew that the people who lived together were not living people but ghosts. He said, no matter if you are human It's a ghost, I want to be with you.

Nana was really moved.

I think this is the difference between Chinese and Thai. In the eyes of the Chinese, people and ghosts have different paths and cannot be together. Most horror movies must end up being artificial (that is, someone is doing a ghost). The director gave a new definition: as long as there is love, whether it is a human being or a ghost, it can break the mundane and embrace each other through the crowd.

Like a small sentence I saw on the Internet many years ago: I love you, not because of who you are, but because you in front of me are the one I love.

Mike said: "I'm afraid of ghosts, but I'm more afraid of not being with you."

The climax of the film is also in the Taoist temple. When she learns that she can't be with the person she loves, Nana holds the mentality that since she can't love each other in this world, then we will be ghosts together and go to hell. When Mike was there, seeing the tears on Mike's cheeks, she was still soft-hearted. She didn't want to see her lover sad, and finally wiped away the tears on Mike's cheeks with a pair of pale but slender hands. "Darling, don't cry. This way you won't be handsome." In the

end, it's naturally a happy ending~~

There are a lot of happy lives after they were together in the ending film. very sweet.

After telling the story, I want to say that I was very disgusted when I first watched it. I didn’t like their black teeth. I felt that my handsome male protagonist was embarrassed. Later, I was attracted by the plot and gradually became immune to black teeth. . After checking the information, I found that the original black tooth is related to the betel nut culture in Thailand. In ancient times, there was no toothpaste and toothbrush. At that time, they used betel nut, shells, etc. The lime burned in the utensils was smashed and placed in the utensils. In the mouth, brush your teeth with shredded tobacco. Because betel nut stains the teeth, they are all black teeth. And in ancient Thailand, the darker the teeth, the more beautiful it is. However, since modern times, I feel that this culture is backward, and I have not continued to black teeth.

The male and female protagonists are also good at acting, otherwise they would not be at the level of kings and queens. The male protagonist Mario is a Thai star that I like very much. He is naturally handsome from the three countries of China, Thailand and Germany. Especially the look in the female protagonist's film when he looks at people, it is called a cold as iron, better than poisoning. But every time she looked at Mike, her eyes were always gentle like water. The makeup is not bad, the painting is very heavy, and it looks like a female ghost.

Steve Chou in the "Twilight" in singing:
still remember the tears fall from your eyes heartbroken
still remember from your mouth to say goodbye firm such as iron

I afraid of ghosts, but I can not be afraid of you. (^_^)Y(^_^)Y

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