terrible impermanence

Mauricio 2022-01-28 08:27:32

The most terrifying cut in this chapter is impermanence. Every scene is so natural, boring, just like life.
But emotions and thoughts are loud. totally different. Both poles are contained in the same film.
Each character's perspective is unique.
The male protagonist regards the boy as his lover and his own possessions. And do your best to love him. But he is also realistic, no matter how much he cares, he knows that his social care will not let him go. So he hides and prepares to bury the boy. So in the end, he just loves in his own way. There is no right or wrong, the wrong thing is that the object is a boy.
But when we think about it, this love seems normal.
Boys are simple. He also wants to be loved. But he knew that a man could not love him. So he struggled, but he couldn't resist. If the boy knew right from wrong, he might have chosen to commit suicide. Many people here describe it from the perspective of the victim and the perpetrator. Defile the minds of both with your own desires. But sexual desire is temporary, possession is more permanent. So boys don't know. The perpetrator may also not know the severity. The audience is led into the question mark of why the boy can maintain himself. When the boy knew that the male protagonist couldn't love him, he started to resist and even wanted to run away. Everyone gradually forgot the child's moral values, just like being forgotten by society and by his family.
The hero's mother provides an interesting perspective. Her grief and discovery are the most critical. Because there is only the pity and mourning of the male protagonist in this film. What happened to the most crucial boy.
But what was most surprising was what his mother thought when she saw the child.
What's interesting about this film is that it deals with the point of view of society. And deal with the male protagonist's point of view. It seems to be punishing the insensitivity of the viewers of society. It's just that no matter what happens, you just watched a movie. Boys don't care at all.

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Extended Reading
  • Assunta 2022-03-17 09:01:10

    The German system really has become so strict with perverts = =

  • Theodore 2022-04-19 09:03:04

    Filmer la banalité quotidienne d'un pédophile avec une neutralité désengagée sans tomber dans le pathos moraliste tout en éclipsant la perversité hors champ, voici un dispositif malin pour traiter un sujet épineux.