I've seen Love is here, but I also like this one

Osvaldo 2022-03-17 09:01:10

Love in the trilogy is one of my favorites, and I'll say it before.

But I really can't stand those who give 1 star for copying.

You've all seen Love is, it's amazing, compared to it, this one is nothing, plagiarism.

Does the movie have a patent? There are too many movies with hero and heroine wandering around the city. I also said that Richard copied Woody Allen. It's boring.

The director is very attentive. Hong Kong is a very special city. As a Chinese city, it was forced to obey Western culture. Now it has only been less than 20 years since its return, and perhaps it is still finding its place. But it also has its own prosperity. In the movie, especially the female protagonist is of Chinese descent, but knows nothing about China, and the male protagonist is an authentic New Yorker, but he is more influenced by oriental culture. I am very impressed by the setting. It is in line with Hong Kong, a place where cultures collide, and the two will surely have sparks here.

But it is a pity that with such a background setting, the director only made a niche romance film, but it is also very romantic and worthy of praise. Perhaps it would be better to add some differences in love between the East and the West to the hero and heroine's views on love.
(ps. The male protagonist is a husband and wife in reality~)

But those who rated it 1 point. . . Forget it, just be happy.

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Extended Reading
  • Rahul 2022-03-20 09:03:03

    Hong Kong landscape film, I watched it on the plane, the dialogue is clear, it should be good to practice listening and speaking

  • Casey 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    The first time I watched the unsubtitled version, I didn't understand most of the English. Watching these two people walking, laughing, embarrassed, and angry during the two ambiguous nights, I found it very interesting, and it felt like a hazy distant view. Looking at the subtitled version again, the ins and outs are clear, and the fun is much lessened. For example, a couple from a distance sitting next to you have nothing to say, quarreling and loving, but it's a bit annoying.

Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong quotes

  • Ruby: I've always been intrigued with expats.

    Josh: Yeah?

    Ruby: Yeah. I mean, they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous. But when my grandparents immigrated to the States from Hong Kong, their journey is anything but glamorous.

    Josh: You see that?

    Ruby: Yeah?

    Josh: That's my office right there.

    Ruby: It almost makes it worth being a banker.

    Josh: All those lights on in the offices. It's 11:00 in a Friday night. Those are all people working. It isn't as glamorous as it looks.

    Ruby: Guess not.

  • Josh: There's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather.