Why do you say it's a rubbish film?

Ned 2022-03-10 08:01:18

This "Anti-Black SWAT Team" is a complete remake of the famous British director's "An Liang" in 2012. The character setting and plot development are almost completely copied. Only some details have changed, but the things are exactly the same. Is such a bad movie worth watching? It is completely unwatched in foreign countries, relying on these good actors to come to China to steal money! It's just relying on those actors, and the movie is shoddy, and the actors' acting skills are a little jerky in some places. The emotional latter lacks complaining and a kind of resentment. These places are not at all in place in "An Liang". Although there were various problems in the filming of "Exterminating Violence and An Liang", at least the acting skills were justified. But this "anti-black SWAT team", haha, I dare not say that there is no suspicion of coming to China to make money and get quick money! So, to be reasonable, if I really want to rate, I can only give one point, 0.5 actor points 0.5 hard points. In the end, it is completely unqualified, and I do not recommend everyone to watch it. It's better to go shopping with your girlfriend and chat with your friends than to buy it and go to sleep with your friends and girlfriend. So you know how bad this movie is? Mind if you are interested in taking a detour to like a shootout movie, consider another movie.

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Extended Reading
  • Benedict 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    A staggering Reynolds. . . Lian Po is old

  • Clifford 2022-04-23 07:05:08

    It's much better than those gangster movies where you kill or kill. I feel that every character is very interesting, including the second male. This cat-and-mouse chase is thrilling to watch.