You who appear to the world

Brandt 2022-01-28 08:20:12

The beginning of the movie, ghostly music, gloomy old house, sticky rain, pale corpses, cold metal tools. The male protagonist took a cigarette coldly and mocked the stiff corpse with disdain. I thought it was a horror drama, but it was humble enough to struggle with myself. Fortunately, the ending is good.
Elvis, who is presented to the world, is withdrawn, weird, and even violent; Annabelle is carefree, star-studded, and even chasing fame and fortune.
With the development of the plot, this movie is like this, without revealing a word with emotion, but with one look and one action, all the emotions are contained in it.

Facing his father's crippled body and intelligence, Elvis tirelessly repeated one trivial matter after another. Facing the incomprehension and indifference of others, he kept his etiquette calm and calm. And those eyes full of sadness, looking at the clear river water, is the whole of childhood. Wei Wei took a step forward and took the bridge lock, the shaky chain, but also the shaky heart.
As for Annabelle, her mother planned her whole life and seemed to care little about her health, her joy or not, except her beauty and her games. The stepfather would see the beautiful flight attendant's eyes light up, and would take away the mother's harassment. Even if she died, the mother just cried to make her beautiful, and the stepfather was impatient with the complicated affairs.

Being alive is a wonderful thing, it can make you suddenly understand the true meaning of life, and let you let go and pursue yourself happily.
The love between the two and the final misunderstanding made the two people who were already shaky in their hearts finally disheartened. Fortunately, when he was about to commit suicide, he saw the sunflowers planted by Annabelle in full bloom, and then hope burned in his heart. He walked out of the house and wrote "I love Annabelle", and Annabelle happened to watch live TV when he committed suicide. Well, this ending is indeed a bit bloody, good people have good endings, these are the sights people want to see.

Digression 1, although the male protagonist is not very delicate in appearance, the unruly look of looking at people who don't care, the mature and steady face of interpersonal communication, the debauchery with a cigarette, and the mischievousness of pouting after Annabelle turned around, it's really true. A cool character! charming!
Digression two, the hero and heroine are one of our representatives, a microcosm. The image that each person presents in front of outsiders, and the sorrow buried under the body, a person is a book, a good person with his own thoughts is a book worth reading slowly, a person with thoughts, culture and morals is a book A book that can be passed down through the ages for admiration. Perhaps at the end of this movie, people can't help but understand that we have to live strong to meet the right person and make the whole world happy. But I still feel that it is too dependent to be strong with the expectation of the right person. The road to waiting is anxious and painful. The right time is far away. The talent is impeccable, and if you meet the right person, you can also give him a warm and generous embrace. Live your own life, I agree with that.

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Extended Reading
  • Lysanne 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    I'm going to paint your tomb-like house into a white castle and grow sunflowers in the barren land

  • Betty 2022-04-23 07:04:49

    Although there are corpses and beauty pageants, they are completely fresh~ To be honest, I am really not used to watching BL play such a small and fresh film. HOHO~ There are many things that can bring people hope, such as sunflowers and love~

Elvis and Anabelle quotes

  • Elvis: [after Annabelle has awoken on the embalming table] She's alive. She's alive! She's alive! She's alive! She's alive, Dad, wake up, wake up.

    Charlie: What's the ruckus?

    Elvis: [Calling the emergency line] Hello, I have an emergency. I'm at the Morreau Funeral Home. I'm a mortician. Uh, I was embalming this girl, my dad was embalming a girl and she suddenly woke up.

    Charlie: Who woke up?

    Elvis: [Still on the phone] I'm off the route 409, down in Cower, Texas. Am I what? Lady, I am bona. Send a paramedic, send an ambulance, send something! Bye!

  • Dr. Putnam: [Discussing Annabelle's behaviour since her reawakening] How are her eating habits?

    Jimmy: She's been eating like a horse.

    Dr. Putnam: Good for her.

    Jimmy: Not good! She keeps going on like this she'll be competing in Miss Large and Tall!