Flirting Scholar--Looking for Love and True Love

Vinnie 2022-08-05 11:03:21

In contrast, I prefer the Xing Ye version of the movie. It re-interprets the legend of this talented and beautiful woman in a light and funny way. There are no wonderful dialogues in it, the funny scenes are one after another, and the exaggerated comedy effect is even more impressive. never tires. Tang Caizi fell in love with Qiuxiang Sister at first sight, basically because of the beauty of her appearance, and another point is her loving smile and kind nature. The main reason why the two of them can be together is that Qiuxiang has a unique understanding of Tang Bohu and can recognize his essence through his poems.

This place quotes an assumption that is like a person. This assumption is not always true, but the words can indeed reflect some characteristics of the author, that is, her value orientation, which makes her attracted to the fake Huaan. There are some lines of dialogue in it that left a deep impression on me: Tang Bohu: He is known as a poet and painter. He doesn’t know Tang Bohu, who is first-rate and unruly, but he just doesn’t know me, hum hum. Xiang Qiu: I think you are wrong ! The uninhibited style is just his appearance. I've read his poems, and I can tell from his words that he's a man with focus and sincerity. (Tang Bohu is moved) Hey, what's wrong with you? Tang Bohu: I was so moved that I wanted to cry. Your powers of observation are amazing. If Tang Bohu could have had you as a confidante, he would die without regret! Qiuxiang's understanding of Tang Bohu convinced her that she was born to be Tang's confidante.

It is precisely because in Qiuxiang's heart that "he is a man who is devoted to his love and true feelings" that people will find that under Tang Feng's first-class and unruly appearance, there is a heart that is devoted to love and true love, the ideal spirit that is unwilling to compromise and pursue true feelings. This spirit actually exists in the heart of every man. The first-class wind is only their appearance, and the passion is only because they have been searching for their true love. The road to finding true love is actually very difficult. The loneliness of a person's heart, the misunderstandings and criticisms of the world, and the loneliness that ideals are fading away Maybe it will be the thorns on this road, waiting and searching for the unknown ending tomorrow. Maybe it will be the risk of a lonely life. Because I can't get it, I'm always looking for it.

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