I'll give you the CD and I'll build the house for you, but we won't be together

Reagan 2022-03-08 08:01:07

In the latter part of the movie, I kept wiping my tears, it was really touching, a moving movie definitely needs the foreshadowing in the early stage. Q_Q, let me talk about the little details I found that moved me, maybe it is these After the accumulation of small details, I will feel so pity and heartache when the heroine and the hero are not together. First, the female protagonist asked the male protagonist if he remembered the promise of the first snow, and the male protagonist said he did not remember. Later, when the male protagonist sent the female protagonist a CD, he was sure that the male protagonist remembered this promise. The male protagonist not only Fifteen years ago, he went to an abandoned house and took the CD left by the female lead and kept it for fifteen years. You think, the male lead has kept the CD given to him by the female lead for fifteen years. Why? Maybe don't remember this agreement, so the male protagonist is lying to the female protagonist. Later, I realized later that the male protagonist and the female protagonist pretended not to know the female protagonist when they first met. It seems that the male protagonist has not let go of the female protagonist, and was hurt by the female protagonist. quite deep. Second, the female protagonist knew that the male protagonist secretly kissed her, but the female protagonist did not stop the male protagonist at that time. When the senior wanted to kiss her, she avoided it twice. The female protagonist should have taken the initiative to the male quite early. heart. Third, the heroine gave me a surprise, that is, the agreement to meet in the first snow was first proposed by the heroine. When I saw this, I was wondering if the heroine has feelings for the hero, the hero Finally, I no longer had a single-arrow crush, but a double-arrow crush. Later, when the heroine told the man fifteen years later that the man was his first love, I sighed inwardly, sure enough. Fourth, the male protagonist was shaken when he was at his mother's house. He had the idea of ​​not going to the United States. It was obvious that the male protagonist's mother was old, and he could not easily take care of his mother when he went to the United States. I guess another reason is that the male protagonist can't let go. Madam, I am struggling. Fifth, the male protagonist suggested to his mother that he also wanted to move and move to the vicinity of the female protagonist’s house when he knew that the female protagonist was moving. I don’t know why this also moved me hahahahaha, maybe it’s because I think it can be seen on the point of moving. The male protagonist attaches great importance to and likes the female protagonist very much, which lays the groundwork for the irritability behind the male protagonist. Sixth, the female protagonist said that she wanted to have two children when she was drawing the design of her own house in the future. Fifteen years later, the male protagonist asked the female protagonist how many children they had on the way to Jeju Island. Q_Q, the female protagonist drew The comparison between the happy expression at the time of the painting and the reality later was another blow to me. That's about it, there's time to watch it again, maybe there will be more to discover.

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Extended Reading
  • Stephan 2022-03-18 09:01:09

    The good news is that it didn't end up unfinished. The most emotional part is not the memory of first love, but the memory of turning around and seeing the door of the house that the boy kicked down when he was most insane. Fifteen years later, his mother was still wearing cheap clothes that the boy threw away in anger at that time. I like that house near the sea, the past cannot be relived, you can just reminisce.

  • Alena 2022-03-16 09:01:09

    When I saw an elderly mother sell a rice sausage soup shop that has been in business for decades and leave all her savings to her son, the son who is going to marry his girlfriend and go to the United States... who may never come back, I Cried. . . We are selfishly lingering in this big airtight container... Those human feats that are desperate for so-called ideals and love... are just the product of human selfishness...