end, it's weird

Cleta 2022-03-09 08:02:17

Just a little talk, that's the end. Personally, I feel that the final ending is a bit hard, as if it was for Zheyu to die.

He is back staring at great pressure and risk in order to be reunited with his wife and daughter. But in the end, he went out to fish even though he knew he would be killed. He said he "couldn't take it".

After his release, he appeared panicked. My personal understanding is that he reflects on the status quo after seeing the truth of life in Korea. It is difficult to get rid of the influence of the truth on the mind after what a person has actually experienced. It's like if you've always lived in a 30-square-meter house and never knew there was a bigger house, or even heard of it, but never saw it with your own eyes. You can't even notice any problems with living in this 30-square-meter house. But once you "open your eyes", you may not be able to hold it back.

I don't think Cheol Woo is attracted to matter. But he found that after he knew the truth, he couldn't continue to live in a more real and clear lie, even if he wanted to continue to deceive himself.

But is this stronger than his love for his family and his daughter? This is a bit unreasonable.

The "death" scene at the end of this film is a bit far-fetched, personally.

Other aspects are generally fine, but Kim Ki-duk's previous "bloody" taste has faded.

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Extended Reading
  • Kale 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    The scribbles and roughness of the playwriting and scheduling are so far a matter of creative mentality and stage, but the pain is solid and almost political. I have seen so many people commenting that the director has lost his aura, and it's useless; I think he only has the instinct (talent) left to carry his dick... As for desire, he really doesn't have it anymore. never mind

  • Mona 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Sun Haiying starring, Xie Tianxiao stand-in

The Net quotes

  • Oh Jin-woo: The brighter the light, the darker its shadow...