"Relative Universe" S1E2: You are me, I am you

Jamar 2022-03-08 08:01:34

This week finally ushered in the second episode of "Relative Universe", which is getting better in terms of content and situation.

Compared to revealing more settings to the audience and the conspiracy gradually showing shadows, what impressed me more in this episode was the difference and the sameness of the same person between the two parallel worlds, let alone filming a spy war drama. Even if it is an ethics drama, it will be very good.

More Secrets of Two Worlds

This episode further explains the basic setting of parallel worlds: 30 years ago, there was still only one real world, but for some reason, the world was suddenly copied out of another .

At first the two worlds were identical, but over time they became more and more different.

In other words, although the same person in two worlds can walk out of two life trajectories, the more time goes on, the more they have in common.

When the killer "Baldwin" was healing in the old house, a mysterious woman appeared to give her orders. It can be determined that she also came from the B world. She not only provided the information that Howard B passed through, but also asked "Baldwin" to kill A. the world itself.

Listening to the tone, the standard process of "crossing the world" to do dirty work is to kill another "me" in order to prevent others from using it against himself - so it seems that "people who kill world A can indirectly kill people". The conjecture of the same person in world B" is no longer valid.

Howard A was promoted from the "Interface Department" to the "Analysis Department". The job content is to extract the code from the dialogue and find the corresponding words in the passphrase book. He is only responsible for translation, and transmission is the responsibility of the more powerful "Outgoing Department". .

Judging from the responsibilities of the three departments, they are only responsible for basic work such as recording, translation, and transmission .

The same computer in Emily's superior office in the B world confirmed the conjecture of many people: maintaining the "original ecology" of the building's office conditions is a necessary choice for both parties.

It may not be the same as everyone expected. World B, which seems to be more powerful than World A, has suffered from the loss of World A.

Whether it's Emily's superior's words "We can't afford a second Istanbul" or the unabashed hostility to World A in the words of "Bishop", we can be sure that if we want to calculate the "general ledger", World B is better than World A. The world is short.

This can also explain why people in World B headquarters are generally more active, while World A is heavily guarded against people in World B - in theory, revenge can happen at any time.

Another piece of evidence that is not evidence is that Emily's friends in the B world are amazed at the cigarettes in her hands. It seems that in the B world, cigarettes are a luxury.

Emily wants to smoke and needs to get in from the confiscated items. It can be seen that the B world has more social environments that are different from common sense.

The last point is more conjecture about the connection between the two worlds. From the last words of "Bishop", it is clear that Nadia, codenamed "Baldwin", is an agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of World B and is addicted to drugs.

That is to say, the mysterious "Baldwin" has no secrets in the eyes of many people in the B world.

When Aldridge and others went to search Nadia's house in World A, they seemed to be more concerned about whether illegal drugs would be found. It can be seen that they are not ignorant of the intelligence of World B.

Further speculation, either the two worlds have another system for exchanging information between people with different authority or different channels, or they each have a group of people who want to make trouble and have colluded.

The conspiracy of the B world

Just after Howard B came back, Emily appeared in front of him. This was not accidental, but because she received an extradition order. It seemed that the person she was going to take away was her ex-husband Howard.

Howard's authority is higher than Emily's. In the case of the former's concealment, the latter can't ask anything... But the extradition order comes from a higher authority, so she has the right to take people away .

The experienced and thoughtful Howard has already sensed that something is wrong. This is someone borrowing Emily's hand to do his own actions. If he does follow, he will "disappear forever".

Later, in the mouth of the "bishop", this matter also became a "unsolved case". He suggested that Howard go to work directly. There are only two possibilities: either arrest or nothing happens.

The result was the latter, with Howard making his way through the passage door unscathed to enjoy his 36 hours of "time travel."

On the other hand, Emily was interrogated by her superiors in an environment attended by personnel from the personnel department. There was no extradition order at all last night, and it was obvious that someone wanted to kill Howard secretly.

This is probably the masterpiece of "that force" in Howard's mouth. However, Howard was able to continue to work openly the next day, and the forged order given to Emily was deleted again, which shows that the force is still at the level of conspiracy and tricks, and its strength is not strong enough to use clear rules to trick people. .

But their tentacles have spread all over the building, like the truth of "Baldwin", it is very difficult for people in the B world to find out through normal channels.

I knew that there were ghosts in my building, but I couldn't let go of my hands and feet to deal with it. Now that I think about it, Howard's crossing plan should be a new way.

Howard actually has very few chips in his hands, and he is passive everywhere , and catching "Baldwin" alive is his few visible opportunities (which also explains why the first episode is only a mouth injury, not a headshot).

Aldridge has repeatedly made it clear that he will not be at the mercy of Howard, which may be just out of precaution against the B world.

However, thinking of the "amateur" behavior of Aldridge's order to shoot Nadia A, and the acquiescence of the police to arrest Nadia B, as well as some details before and after... A conjecture emerges.

Aldridge and that force in World B are in the same group: Beware of Howard A because he is an outsider, "killing" Nadia A by killing Nadia B, and letting Nadia B fall into the hands of the police Easier to operate than falling into the hands of Howard B.

Since killing people in world A does not affect people in world B, the real purpose of "Baldwin" to assassinate Emily A has to be re-questioned: perhaps to "eliminate" Emily B's weakness.

Judging from the situation of the two worlds, Emily B has been dragged into the water, which shows that she has a lot of value to win over.

In the end, the "Bishop" suggested that Emily B should get a new signal scheme, but when she asked the truth, she said "don't worry about it" - this is obviously to seduce her to get into the trap.

Emily B's job is to "keep the peace," but the "bishop" says "why sympathize with the bastards on the other side?" It's time for the fragile peace to be baptized into a new era. There are still two conjectures: In order to deal with that force, the "Bishop" wants to set up a small agency and a small government in the headquarters; or, the "Bishop" is the leader of that force.

One person, two lives, one heart

This Nadia Fierro scene is the most moving part of the episode, and it further elaborates on the delicate relationship between the same person in two worlds.

The two had identical childhoods —the father, a failed artist who only drank and angered, put all his hopes in life on his daughter.

(PS: Howard B pretended to be the strict father of the daughter-in-law Chengfeng, reminiscent of the character stalk in "Booming Drummer"--)

After her father's death, Nadia A buried her dark self , continued to sharpen her piano skills, and became an excellent violin player, while Nadia B embraced her dark self and became the killer "Baldwin".

These two seemingly opposites have a lot in common.

For example, when I do things seriously, I like to take off my shoes and go barefoot, and when I think about things, I used to beat the drums like my father, and they are all lace...

Therefore, Nadia B is completely self-deceiving by saying "we have nothing in common", and they also "killed" their father at the age of ten, which is doomed to be the same person in their bones.

And that's why I insist on "different worlds, one personality".

It stands to reason that Nadia A moved to different foster families, learned to wear a mask to live, and became a brilliant performer. The difference between her and Nadia B is no less than that of the two Howards, but when she is her The first time she saw Nadia B's face, she immediately understood him.

You are my true face - Nadia A didn't "lose herself" at all , Nadia B understood when she saw the scar on each other's arm: they both have a ruthlessness, the difference is that she is more ruthless to others, And Nadia A is more cruel to herself.

Nadia B thought it was an easy task, but it was actually extremely difficult, and she couldn't do it at all, because the other party was herself.

This kind of relationship, which is heavier than "blood is thicker than water", seriously affected Nadia B's reaction and judgment, and even finally became disheartened and captured.

We have an old saying called " 3 years old to see old, 7 years old to see old ", that is to say, through the psychological characteristics and personality tendencies of a child when he was young, we can see the prototype of his future image. The worlds A and B have only been separated for 30 years. Although there are great differences, as far as human beings are concerned, it is still empty talk to "change" at this time.

The common childhood experiences doomed the fate of those adults in the two worlds. Even if different choices in different periods make them drift apart, the common "original heart" cannot be avoided .

more similar than expected

Through Nadia's story, it will be more interesting to look at the relationship between the two Howards (hereinafter referred to as Howard A and Howard B).

After Huo B learned that Huo A was quickly promoted, he was not surprised at all, because he knew that he had the ability to judge the situation , not to mention that they were still wearing the same vest~

In the previous comments, I have always said that the two have a lot in common, and also said that Huo A deliberately missed the details of the flower arrangement. Huo A also has the same ruthless and cunning heart as Huo B, and many people objected—— Let's put this aside for now and put aside the controversy. We might as well look at it from a different direction. First, we don't care whether Huo A has the same ability as Huo B, but think about whether Huo B has the kindness of Huo A.

Before talking to the "Bishop", Huo B seriously inquired about the other party's condition, and also asked him what he needed to do by himself. This attitude was called kindness by the "Bishop" .

At this level, they are basically the masters who kill without blinking, especially those engaged in espionage work. When he came out, what Huo B said was not pretending to be polite, but really caring about his health.

As for Huo A's "good man" character, there is no doubt about it. After hearing the order to kill Nadiag, he rushed into the dangerous scene, and he couldn't help punching Aldridge afterwards.

The reason for all the abnormal behaviors is simply because of Nadia A's innocence - daring to punch her superiors, which just shows that Huo A has such ruthlessness , and the clay figurine has three points of anger.

Huo B insisted on keeping Nadia alive. In addition to obtaining information, he also felt that there were some factors that he did not want to kill, especially after he had a long talk with Nadia A ...

When explaining to Huo A that "the situation is out of control today", Huo B also showed quite obvious guilt and apology. A truly ruthless person cannot pretend to be kind in so many details.

Of course, the battle-hardened Huo B will not show unprincipled and aimless goodwill like Huo A. He has always brought Huo A by his side and keeps showing affection, so that he can play a greater role - such as transferring A world's strategic department, become its own eyeliner.

Because Huo A is himself, he must be able to do this kind of thing well, he just lacks some opportunities.

After understanding Huo B's purpose, Huo A suddenly felt scared for a while: Am I going to become the person in front of me too?

Out of instinctive resistance and fear, Huo A refused without thinking.

The more people try to deny something, the more likely it is to exist. This kind of escapism of "trying to make it clear" runs through the entire episode of Huo A.

People around you are constantly reminding Huo A: You and Huo B are not that different at all, and you have countless things in common.

Aldridge obviously knows a lot, that's why he guards Huo A like he does Huo B... As Nadia said, we can't escape our hearts.

Therefore, Howard's complete personality should be the image of "he has a fierce tiger in his heart and sniffs the rose", but Huo A chose to stop under the rose, and Huo B chose the tiger howling in the forest. In the future, they will become more and more alike.

[My official account "You Love Comment Area" welcomes your attention~]

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Extended Reading
  • Ruby 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    The production is well-made, the setting is meticulous, and the character acting skills are all online, but I just can't watch it... It feels suitable for the middle and high-end audiences of 30-40 segments. Five episodes abandoned.

  • Myrtice 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    Another great drama! ! ! The male lead is perfect, and like Lao Bai, he is a late bloomer, but his acting in movies is much better than Lao Bai. The director is also a tough character. A bit like Fringe + The Man in the High Castle