"Relative Universe" S1E3: Desires can be seen, but sorrows cannot be seen

Leonard 2022-03-08 08:01:34

I just found out that "Relative Universe" was updated on Sunday at noon today, doesn't this mean that the upcoming "Monday Full File" has a solution?

First of all to correct a mistake in last week's comment: I took the Bishop's use of Emily's drug addiction as a message from Nadia, sorry sorry ...just didn't know, it was Emily's cigarette Does it contain drugs, or is cigarettes the same as drugs in the B world?

After the third episode came out, the context of the show has gradually become clear, including the connection and contradiction between the two worlds, as well as the relationship between Howard(s) and Emily(s), which is really wonderful.

Passive everywhere, the odds are slim

Let's talk about the main line this time.

According to the provisions of the "1993 Agreement", it is illegal for the two worlds to cross the border to carry out any secret operations. I personally guess that the opportunity for the signing of the agreement was the "Istanbul Incident". World A entered World B without authorization, causing the latter to break out. large-scale epidemic.

Therefore, after Howard B's secret traversal operation was exposed, the rules of the game changed - even if the two worlds never stopped infiltrating each other, the party who was caught and had to admit that he was unlucky.

Now that the problem is on the table, the investigation team of the B world faction is justifiable in the past.

A discovery: Ian Shaw doesn't seem to be as simple as Emily's best friend, he is still in a high position and has a good relationship with Emily. A conjecture: Emily felt that the first opportunity to "traverse the investigation" was won by herself, but it was actually released on purpose.

Both sides take the lead in handling such sensitive incidents at the official level, and there is much to be done about whether and when Nadia will be handed over.

Even if Howard did not trust Ambassador Lambert, he could only bite the bullet and go to the embassy to plead for delay.

However, things have already been raging on the official side, and it is his own side who is at fault. Of course, Lambert will not give Howard a good look.

Whether Lambert is a normal diplomat or a figure in collusion with "that force", he can't fault Howard's actions before or after.

Emily's involvement in the crossing investigation did make a difference, she "shakes" Howard - two months ago, Emily was sent to hunt down a supervisor who had escaped to Istanbul, who said she was in danger and died shortly after, And Emily of World A was in a car accident six weeks ago...

Emily and Howard were tracking the same group, and she was actually involved long ago.

But the information provided by Emily was suspicious. She found the authorization code for the extradition order issued the night before. The high-level person who wanted Howard's life was the "Bishop". "Your loyalty will kill you."

After this trouble, I feel that the suspicion of "Bishop" has been reduced, not to mention that it is so easy to find clues after the deleted order . The seriousness of this incident is completely different from the usual small favor. Emily The authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I am afraid it is not so easy to get the real news.

Howard began to act because the information he received from World A contained the content of the quarrel of the "fourth floor" executives of World B, indicating that there were people in both worlds involved in this conspiracy.

Theoretically, no strangers would believe Howard B, so his secret operations should be kept as quiet as possible, only a few people in the Strategy Department and Howard A were informed. But his little actions are still known to everyone...

Last time I raised my doubts about Aldridge, apparently Howard B was even more worried about him, and raised it directly in front of Quill, and someone must follow him in the future.

Seeing that the headquarters on both sides have been infiltrated into a sieve by "that force", and the secret operation is likely to fail again, and now Lambert told himself to take back the power to travel in the future... This kind of slowness and being controlled by others is not a good feeling. .

Huo B's solution was to offer Huo A to go to B's world for a week instead of him.

That's right, something that will happen sooner or later, I thought it would be "cut first and then play", and it was said so easily - but, Howard B obviously had this plan for a long time.

On the other hand, after Emily B came home after reading the secret letter, she was immediately put down by the people who waited for the rabbit, took the secret letter, and disguised it as an accident, her life and death are unknown. This is also one of the reasons why I think Emily B's crossing was deliberately arranged and the suspicion of "Bishop" was reduced.

Everything is planned.

Normally, Howard B's plan has little chance of winning, because he is in the open and the enemy is in the dark . The only chance is that the "substitute plan" can be unexpected.

The troubles of being a leader's son-in-law

There is a problem with the words and deeds of Howard B above: he believes that Howard A can understand, but is it too casual to say so much about Peter Quill in the world of A? There was only one explanation, and he decided that Quill could be trusted .

In addition to the possibility that Howard B is familiar with Quill B, you can also look at Quill's actual performance - at this stage, he is sincerely cooperative, but his ability is mediocre.

In the morning after Nadia was arrested, everyone else was busy, but Quill, who was the main person in charge, was getting out of bed . The relationship between the wife and daughter at home is not so close.

Combining with the attitude, words and deeds of the old man of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fan Che, to Quill, Quill's true image has gradually been shaped: he is a child.

Yes, my son-in-law of Fan Che can't lose his share no matter what, let's just throw him into the strategy department as a job, he can save face, and the most important thing is to make my daughter happy .

The lack of motivation to struggle does not mean that Quill is not eager to make achievements. Now that he has a great achievement at his fingertips in front of him, he is moved.

Quayle had been begging his father-in-law to delay negotiations for an interrogation, only to find out that he was playing a "spy game" that was nothing to him.

It's one thing to give you a seat in the strategy department, and it's another thing to have you sit at the negotiating table that can affect the overall situation of the world and be qualified to speak. No one can give you this face, and you have to earn it yourself.

If Quill's previous plan for Howard B was just a normal job, then his attitude to work is likely to change dramatically.

"Needs" bring us together

The third episode is the one with the most leaks so far. After sorting out the clues, I can understand most of the situation.

As Fanche said, since there is so much hostility and hidden dangers between the two worlds, why bother to keep the passage smooth and keep secrets? In a word, demand.

opllx lists what the two worlds need or affirm each other in this episode :

World B appreciates world A's: (Lambert likes) tailoring technology, genetic modification technology (fruits and vegetables are more delicious), uniquely designed smartphones;

World A needs World B: Yunnan's approach to increasing corn production, hepatitis C vaccine, better water quality (and tastier seafood), vaccination numbers in Italy, confidential analysis of the 2009 earthquake, reports of the last three U.S. censuses, the Mariana Trench The location of nearby oil deposits, etc.

Coupled with the HIV therapy that has already been obtained, it can be found that World B is fully ahead of World A in terms of biotechnology, medical technology, exploration technology, etc., and directly using ready-made technologies can save World A dozens or hundreds of years of time. .

Those survey data are meaningless by themselves, but once they are analyzed in combination with the technical level, disease control level, and social development status of World B, their value is limitless (intelligence + parameters).

It's no wonder that Fan Che despised the "mindful thoughts" played by both sides, because those struggles were nothing compared to the knowledge and intelligence they gained.

The mobile phones in world B seem to have higher technology content than those in world A. Despite this, Lambert is still very interested in smartphones in world A. It can be seen that the two sides just click on the "tech tree" in different directions... but hard If it is to be divided, the technical level of World B can still stabilize the level of World A. It is obvious that they suffer from technical transactions. Coupled with the tragic history, why does World B not close the door?

" You must not take any measures to make any observations of the world outside the embassy, ​​and you must not have contact with anyone, whether you know each other or not, including eye contact, physical contact, verbal communication, and written communication. Violators of the above will be arrested and sentenced. , and is not protected by any international law. You do not belong there, and nothing in that world belongs to you.

Emily performed a standard crossing process in this episode, and she could only look at the black windows when she was in the car... World B's disgust, fear, and defense against World A have undoubtedly been revealed.

Ian said " things outside will make people collapse "... So my guess is: in a secret crossing operation, world A brought an infectious disease from its own side to world B (probably caused the Istanbul incident) ), resulting in a large-scale plague in World B. Until today, World B lacks an effective response, because only people in World A have the corresponding antibodies, and only World A can provide special vaccines.

This is the biggest trump card for the A world to maintain a balance with the B world and to continuously learn technical achievements.

There is a lot of evidence in this episode. For example, the publicity advertisement that Emily put before watching the movie has a taste of " whoever gets sick will be quarantined and die ."

In addition, the black and white films that followed (which made me feel more like the Soviet Union won the Cold War) also reflected that the B-world has made very slow progress in artistic creation (of course, it may also be an old film special--).

Compared with the old black-and-white movies that were broadcasted, the cleaning and disinfection equipment at the entrance of the theater appeared to be very advanced, indicating that the sanitation and epidemic prevention situation in the B world is very serious .

There is also a vaccine for Ian. According to the description, it is "vaccinated every three months after crossing." It seems that crossing is also a troublesome chore .

Moreover, the conditions for visas given by B World are very strict, and the requirements after the visas are also very cumbersome. For example, Emily and Ian’s visas only allow them to go to one place in the embassy. Ambassador Lambert has to apply for it every time he goes out to eat. .

In the same place, in world A, there is a lot of voices and nightlife. In world B, there are only cold lights and female agents who want to be alone.

All unnecessary outdoor activities are almost extinct in the B world, which is a lifeless world.

When negotiating, Lambert couldn't help but envy World A: you have plenty of time to study so many inventions, and we've been trying to figure out how to avoid human extinction.

Combining my conjecture and the above details, it is not difficult to understand why people in world B are generally hostile to world A - you enjoy life like human beings, but we rely on your "blessing" to live so tightly Not as good as dogs.

The most subtle thing is that this epidemic was not caused by World A deliberately , and they have been supporting World B afterwards, and the two sides chose to cooperate peacefully on the surface.

But this cannot change the resentment and hatred of World B towards World A. As time goes by, this feeling will become stronger and stronger, and one day it will explode completely.

"That force" probably wanted to use this emotion to unify the two worlds.

Where are the years quiet...

It's time for the final "point of call".

There is an interesting detail in this episode. Nadia insists on only talking to Howard A, because she knows howard A wants to prevent the shooting, so she becomes interested in this man. Knowing that the other party did this "heroic act" just because the other person was innocent, Nadia said "you are different".

The conversation between the two still changed, because Howard A always had the purpose of "inquiring", and Nadia came to the conclusion that "you will not be better than Howard B" .

But after being rescued, Nadia stopped her own actions that might hurt people- in her eyes, Howard A is still innocent, and this time she can make a decision.

If it wasn't for the chat between Huo B and Na A, perhaps there would be no small grudge between Na B and Huo A... The entanglement between people in the two worlds is far more complicated than any expected .

Let's talk about the biggest revelation in this episode: the relationship between Huo A, Huo B, Ai A, and Ai B.

Through the chat content of Huo B and Ai B, I finally know why they divorced back then - it turns out that Ai B concealed her real work, she is a secret agent who communicates with another world.

My dear wife is actually doing this kind of dangerous work. It is intolerable to regard her as the only Huo B, so he did not hesitate to fall out. After that, Ai B was transferred to the relatively safer Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Huo B himself became A second bureau spy with extremely high authority.

You know, the two worlds were exactly the same at the beginning... It's just that Huo A never found out Ai A's identity. He was well taken care of by his wife, and he spent 29 years of peace and happiness with contentment.

Think about it too, how can you live so comfortably and comfortably next to the biggest secret in the world? Having a lover who always guards him from threats makes sense.

Emily is the ultimate key to Howard's personality . It is certain that if Huo A also discovered his wife's secret back then, he would become as determined and strong as Huo B.

Now, Ai has fallen in order to maintain the balance of the world and protect Huo B, and Ai B is also in danger... No matter which world the two Howards are in, at least one thing is clear, that is to protect Ai in front of him. Millie, as Emily used to protect herself.

Welcome to pay attention to my public account "You Love Comment Area" ha~~~

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Extended Reading
  • Eliseo 2022-03-25 09:01:22

    The sixth episode is the best, the finale is a little weak, so weak that it can lose a star... The setting of the parallel world is really cool, and there are many discussions about the fork in life. It's also great~

  • Ruby 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    The production is well-made, the setting is meticulous, and the character acting skills are all online, but I just can't watch it... It feels suitable for the middle and high-end audiences of 30-40 segments. Five episodes abandoned.