Cunning and cunning!

Deontae 2022-03-20 09:01:13

The Exorcist (1973)
1973 / United States / Horror / William Friedkin / Alan Bostin, Max von Sydoff

The cunning of the devil is well known, and it is known as the [Father of Lies]. From the confrontation between priests and enchanters in this film, you can see that the horror and horror of this film lies in who you know and affirm for a long time. Enchanted, but what you’re not sure about is when the enchanted person is normal and when will suddenly do things you didn’t expect. When the voice of the girl can be distinguished in the dialogue, it must be enchanted, but even if the voice is Little girl, but don't be deceived.

Just as God chooses a person, it does not require the consent of the person, and does not look at the nature of the person, because this is the plan; the cunning of the devil is also the same, so the original beautiful family in this film was tortured in this way, and at the same time the bystanders were also tortured. Tortured. In the "Gospel" there is a solution to this kind of enchantment that once said: This kind of right cannot be removed without fasting and prayer. So we also see the weaknesses of the two priests themselves, and they are not relying on their own ability to exorcise demons. After several battles, both sides were exhausted.

In the early 1970s, the extraordinary appearance of human limbs and torso was also the scary part of this film, suddenly turning back and climbing down the stairs, head 180 degrees, and so on. Of course, the movie-watching experience in the Shanghai Cinema is also very good this day. The "interaction" of the audience who broke the Dimensional Wall also gave us a thrilling experience, that is, a fan feels that the sound of another fan's plastic bag affects his viewing, so In the low-level scene of the film, he yelled: **Please don't make any more plastic bags. Then everyone in our theater laughed. It was a successful horror interaction on and off the screen.

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Extended Reading
  • Zelda 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    Unexpectedly, the first time I watched a horror movie in my life was to record, copy, subtitle and proofread (me) in the screening room of the organizing committee with three other girls. The little girl who turned her head 360 degrees and was full of rancid smell didn't know what to say.

  • Dedric 2022-03-21 09:01:14

    People who watched it at the wrong time, people who have been baptized by Hong Kong ghost films, have no feeling for such old movies. ...The religious culture is also wrong, there is no way to understand this kind of powerless exorcism, it is the opening method of the Hong Kong film, and it is fun to fly around. ... But one thing is the foul language of the little girl after being possessed by the devil. After watching "The Cry" in Korea, she suddenly understood. It turns out that a child scolded these words, which normal people could not accept. . …In general, looking at it now, many people watch it as a comedy, yes, it's not scary. ......The meaning of this film, the priest's dedication is even more important. ...It is said that this film is a real adaptation of 1949, which reminds me of the UFO UFO incident. Now that everyone has a smart phone, why no one took the UFO? Why didn't anyone photograph the demon possession?

The Exorcist quotes

  • Demon: Lick me! Lick me! Lick me!

  • Chris MacNeil: Jesus Christ, Karl! Don't do that!

    Karl: Yeah, but you see, no rats.

    Chris MacNeil: No rats. Terrific.