How about the performances of Jing Boran, Zhou Dongyu, Tian Zhuangzhuang and other leading actors in "Later Us"?

Mallory 2022-03-10 08:02:28

Afterwards, we are the truest love story I have ever seen! No matter how others view this movie, the three views are not correct. At first, I thought that I just need to watch the story of the two from beginning to end, and I don't need to care about the 18-year reunion. Because the previous one is a complete story, a real story. After reading To Youth and those years, most of the stories are still more like novels than real people, or, in other words, they are too different from me, and they are just watched as movies. It's just this movie, when I saw Qing, it was as if I was watching myself.

From a small county to a big city, I once thought that although I came from a small county, I was not the remote and poor small county in most stories, and my family was not like the poverty in most stories. My parents could buy a house and a car for me in a big city. , all I have to do is to work hard for myself to have more money to spend and a better quality of life, without worrying about survival. I used to think that most of the stories of the northern drift happened more than 10 years ago, and today's life doesn't have to be so bleak. Until I went through something, until I saw this movie, I saw Jian Qing.

This movie made me become a fan of Zhou Dongyu, and it made me look at myself as if I saw Qing. If you want me to judge, Jianqing is a bastard, Xiaoxiao is a real person, maybe some people will judge, how can this woman want to find a Beijinger and rely on others, but I think, everyone is like this, why not Looking for a better life? Before she got together with Jianqing, she wanted to marry material things, a girl, marriage is a lifetime thing, either for love or money, and she can't marry someone who doesn't like and has no money? After being with Jianqing, how did she treat Jianqing, she and Jianqing lived in poverty together, the smiles she showed for his face, for the efforts he and his father made in the middle. At those times, she accompanied him, even in poverty, she smiled sincerely, an optimistic heart, and a heart full of confidence in him.

It's just that she hasn't changed, he's changed, it's like me, always shouting, how long can I be poor, my good days will come back soon, but I never know what I want. Just like Xiaoxiao said to Jianqing, you have to understand what you want, don't do what you want because of what I want, it's not what I want, but what you want. Before they were not together, and during the time when they were together, Jian Qing still had dreams and goals, even when others were unwilling to move forward with him, but later, only playthings were left. Probably this is also me. When life is not satisfactory, I only think about making progress. I have a girlfriend and someone to accompany me. Change. So life is so frustrating, just relying on the mentality that I will get rich someday to maintain my only dignity. And the people of the same age around me have all become formal, and when they are with them, they will finally stop deceiving themselves and others, so they want to lie to themselves and others, and are they tired of living? On the one hand, I hate myself for being powerless, I hate the unfairness of life, I hate my family's unsatisfactory performance, and I also hate how I live like this, but I dare not admit it, and I don't want to be uncovered by others. In fact, I know best in my heart that this It is the source of his true life. So, I began to take anger on others, I felt that the whole world doubted me and looked down on myself, and finally, I began to take anger on Xiaoxiao. I can understand why Xiaoxiao chooses to leave, not because she sees poverty, not because she doesn't love him. It's because he lost himself, went to nine days to embrace the moon, and went to five oceans to catch turtles. I am willing to accompany you through the poor days, because you made me feel that I am your whole world. No matter how hard the days are, you will Suffer a little more, let me suffer a little less, even if a sweet potato, you will give me most of it, even if I can't eat it, but that is your heart that loves me. But now you have become, you want me to accompany you to live a miserable life, but also to watch you degenerate, to accompany you to complain about the unfairness of the world, I just want to tell you, maybe the world is unfair, but that It's not an excuse for you to walk into the abyss step by step, and it's not an excuse for you to drag me into the abyss. I want to tell you, but you don't even want to listen to me. I just want to tell you that you are wrong and can be saved, but But you think it's not that you are the whole world, and that I no longer understand you and love you. In fact, you have become, you can no longer rely on me, you can no longer give, but you need to rely on me, you need me to bear the burden of life for you, and protect your remaining fearless dignity. And you want me to get used to your habits. If I ask you to change it, it means that I look down on you.

After breaking up, Jian Qing was finally willing to open the window to see the sunlight outside, finally willing to take a look at the stubborn little flower, and finally remembered that he still had a dream of a game. So he went to finish the game. He seemed to understand the reason why Xiaoxiao left, but in fact he didn't understand. Will leave the small restaurant he has kept all his life and live a rich life with him. But he doesn't understand, Xiaoxiao is not for his money, never is, what kind of poor life I am willing to live with you, am I for your money, were you rich at that time? Father never does it for his money, I feed you, clothe you, and let you go to college. All of this is to invest in you so that you can give me money in the future? I have my own life, I don't envy the life in Beijing, and I won't get used to the life there, I just think, as a child, you can live a life that understands, the weather is cold, and you have company when you are old. It's great to be with me. It's like, the father always remembers the sticky bean buns made for his son, and the son remembers a few of his father's favorites. Jian Qing made money and bought a house, but did he understand it? He still doesn't know what he wants, just like me, when I was poor, I always thought that my luck was bad. Those who looked down on me and those who left me were all because I had no money. As long as I have money, everything will happen Solved. I never thought about how to be rich, how to live when I have money, what kind of life I want, what kind of life I want.

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