
Kirsten 2022-03-10 08:02:28

"The Next Us" has mixed reviews. When I think about it carefully, it's not my ex's complex or the history of Beidrift's struggle, but the hometown that I keep returning to and away from. When people discuss Jianqing and Xiaoxiao, they often label them as entrepreneurs, first loves, and people who accompany them when they are poor, but they forget their identities as fellow villagers. This setting, the hometown of the far northern town, the father's New Year's Eve dinner, and the original title of "Going Home for the New Year" are actually not the condiments of the main line of love, but a very important background for the emotions this movie wants to express.

The beginning of the movie is that two people met on the train going home during the Spring Festival. Xiaoxiao met Jianqing and his fellow classmates on the crowded train, playing cards and drinking instant noodle soup. This is the place where the whole movie is almost the most flamboyant and closest to the real thing (there is also a night when they can't wait for the bus in Beijing in winter, and they are reluctant to take a taxi). How many times, many years ago, we have been bumping home on the hard seat of a green leather car all night, and the bustling group did not find it hard, the car was whistling through the silent plain in the cold wind, and we huddled together to play cards , eating, listening to Lao Luo's jokes, recalling the time when we cried and laughing together in high school after midnight, covered a blue coat and fell asleep, opened my eyes, and returned to my dear home.

Probably because the desire for home is so strong, so even the hard seat does not feel tired, but is full of excitement and joy. At that time, it was a big event to go home every holiday. Before leaving the train station, I hurriedly sent a text message to announce that the itinerary was full and needed to be divided into many games. From the first day to the last day, there were so many Friends want to meet, so many cards to play. Just like the New Year's Eve dinner in the first year of the movie, there are people at a big table, and only when they sit in it can they have a sense of "coming back".

I especially liked the scene where Xiao Xiao set off firecrackers and met by chance at the door of Jianqingjia Hotel. I used to like to hear Zhou Huajian, "We are all in this city, but we never meet again, but only brush shoulders with strangers." There will be no chance encounters in the city, but it is possible in my hometown. Even in a small city like Dalian, I met you on the big stairs when I was in school, and then I met you at the Second Road Station of Qingniwa Bridge, or the Centennial City. In the game hall above, when I think about such a chance encounter now, I always feel as if it is my own imagination, but it will really happen.

In front of the sky-filled fireworks and the silent river, they shouted loudly that they would "return home" in the future! In the beginning, for some unknown reason, I was always certain that I would come back one day, living with my beloved friends, and talking about the days away was like an adventure story.

The home in the movie gradually faded and drifted away unknowingly. From the beginning, I hurriedly walked home after eliminating all difficulties. Later, I couldn’t go home because of force majeure detention. After that, I didn’t come back because I was too busy and busy to make excuses. . For Xiaoxiao, the meaning of hometown is far more important than seeing Qingqing. She will stubbornly squeeze the Spring Festival travel home when she has no relatives. She will lie at the New Year's Eve dinner when the reality is clearly messed up, and she will be safe. Help father silently pack up and bring back the sticky bean bag. And Jianqing slowly stopped caring about all of this, he would start to dislike the poor family as the original sin that shackles his own development, he would lose patience with his aging and dim-eyed old father, and he would begin to feel that Beijing's bright and spacious house and gentle and modern wives and talents It is his home, and he will eagerly want to erase his roots and concerns in the distance, and graft to a new life. This was also the last quarrel between him and Xiaoxiao in his hometown, and it was an abyss where their rift was getting bigger and bigger and could not be repaired.

I can't remember since when, the time to go home has become more and more quiet, some friends are scattered in other cities, some are overseas, more busy with life and burden, or just life is getting farther and farther, in addition to constantly recalling the past There is no longer a topic to talk to about the complex, the meeting arrangements are crossed out from the calendar one by one, and finally, there are only one or two names left. Most of the time, I just read books on the back mountain outside the window, and look at old diaries and letters and photos. In the past, it was like a bookmark that was time-sensitive in the past. Now it remains on the same page after years of turning it, but it keeps turning yellow and brittle. .

Then, if you turn on the computer to send and receive emails, dial in to the conference call, the time will be merged into Beijing time again.

I became accustomed to meeting my friends in the magic capital or other places, and I became accustomed to taking my parents to travel overseas during the New Year holidays. The beautiful and clean seaside city has gradually become a distant totem in my heart. I went, until one day, when I was busy on the phone, I was thinking about it, and I thought that the person I loved the most in my life had not seen each other for five years, but the godson who was still in the baby at that time was already a toddler. Losing the protection of dual nationality in our homeland, we became homeless strangers. What's the point of all this if you don't return home.

The first time I cried in the movie was when their relationship was the sweetest. Xiaoxiao asked Jianqing what would happen if Ian couldn't find Kelly again one day. See the clear answer, then Ian's world may no longer have color. I don't think the sadness is because of the literary lines, but the fearless pride and self-confidence when they were young. They dared to say such words because they firmly believed that the two would not be separated. Just like all the stories we read, Of course, Haruko likes Sakuragi, Carrie will definitely wait for Big, and Ross will definitely marry Rachel, because he is her Lobster.

But the truth is, how arrogant and naive we were when we were young, thinking that as long as we were alone and brave, we would definitely achieve what we wanted. The truth is that we are no different from all the tragicomedy mortals in the world, the true love of life may never meet, the best friend may never hear from you, you say the world will become black and white, the world can become forever black and white , you still have to continue to live in this black and white world day and night, diligently seeking, and continue to live a life without color. That's it.

At that time, how could he imagine a life without the other person in his life.

Whether it's Jian Qing, who is consciously trying to get rid of his hometown, or Xiao Xiao, who is looking back to his hometown again and again like me, the bond between them in the distance eventually becomes weaker and weaker. Liu Ruoying likes to use the time to narrate, and is criticized as the second half of the snake's foot, mainly to make up the story of the past ten years, not less than a year, it is almost exactly the same as her in "Happy Birthday", it is probably her always. There is no bloody bridge to prove the deep love, all the feelings are just guarding and waiting for years and months, like a New Year's greeting once a year, and a happy birthday once a year, as if an inadvertent fluttering sentence, implied Behind all the grand and unspoken concerns. It's just that no matter how hard you try to tighten the thread that connects with the distant place, it just keeps getting weaker and lighter, and finally turns into blue smoke.

On May 2, I went to the Junhe Dalian branch to work for half a day. In the bright and clean International Finance Building, I chatted with my friendly colleagues, got off work at 6:00, and jumped to sit on the guide of Gaode. After getting off the subway, I felt so excited that I wanted to take out my mobile phone to take a photo. Later, I thought it was funny. Isn’t this the daily life in Dalian, because I am new to this every once in a while. I can't help but think, if I live and work here for a long time, what kind of days will it be. This proposition is strange, because this is the city where I grew up.

After lunch, walking on the sunny people's road, for a while, you will feel that time and space are confused, as if you saw a group of short-haired people who went to play games together when you were a child and passed the millennium. Unfamiliar street. However, no matter how much alcohol you drink, you can skillfully take out the computer, go through the security check and get on the plane, look at the city outside the porthole, and wonder when you will come back next time.

And no matter how far I go, even every time I come back, I feel more clearly that there is no place for me here, but I still stubbornly have my best memories and my dearest friends in the northern city. Fetters, probably is the reason why I like this film.

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