mother! mother!

Hortense 2022-09-26 15:58:41

mother! It's been a year since the movie came out and I've always wanted to write a review. Because this film depicts the end times in the shortest time, throwing the audience into the whirlpool with jaw-dropping images. In this cosmic nuclear explosion on the screen, every atom sneaked into my nerves. mother! is a feminist film of course - I don't want to make any rhetorical embellishments, her heroine is her, and the film's starting point is entirely from her, and she is the center of this in-house apocalypse. She is a mother, a wife, and a good wife and mother. In the play, she portrays the protagonist completely according to the original gender structure. She usually does housework, and even decorates the new house, taking care of the house and him. lover, and her lover is a poet, but his mind is exhausted. This family happens to have one man and one woman, one husband and one wife, one host and one guest—the hostess does not have the subjectivity. Body It can be said that the crowning touch of this film is body writing, let's look at him first. He, the heroine, is a typical head of the family, who controls everything, while she, the heroine, is in a position of obedience. This is not only reflected in the characteristics of domestic labor, fullness and division of labor, but also in her body. She conforms to the characteristics of the male gaze, plump, long blonde hair, of course, she not only has her own body, the whole house is her body, and inside the house is her organs, which is a complete and harmonious system, And her constant rest and refurbishment of the house is similar to the so-called health and beauty today. She seems to be concerned about herself, but in the way of a male gaze, she looks with his eyes, she is just his vassal. The integrity of the system is not completely defined by her. She has been painting the walls and repairing the cracks in the walls, which are superficial after all, and her heart has been lying in his room. She is the source of his inspiration, he has her heart, he has everything, he can write her body, in this house - her body, he conducts crazy experiments, he can invite friends at will Treat guests, even let others destroy the house, but he always puts his works and reputation first, she is for him, but he ignores her at all, because he is the master, he has the pen, he has the right to write , the paper is only written. In addition to that, also her soul, she actually touches her body (house) as a soul, however, her heart is involuntarily, he has been keeping her heart, and this heart is held by Stained with fire and blood.

The power of the master, the slave, and the master makes him the master, and his pen is Phileas. She is in a subordinate position, as above, she is a mindless spirit. When the family is viewed as a whole, then he becomes As the representative and exerciser of its central power, its subjectivity uses the power of eliminating and absorbing other subjects - just like a balloon that sucks in all the gas, it keeps expanding, getting bigger, and then occupying He is the master of all space, and the person who dominates the space is the master. According to Hegel, the status of masters and slaves will be reversed over time. With the improvement of slaves' labor and physical fitness, they will one day replace slaves. However, within this small space, He owns everything, he is everything, he is God, he controls everything. She is a slave, and so is her son, and there is no other way but to resist. The Holy Infant's power needs to be passed on, which first needs to be shown off. He wants to snatch the baby from her hands - the more people have, the more people who lack will lose even the only thing they have. He painted her with a pen, and from her body gave birth to the Holy Child. This is where the Holy Spirit is, he is God, he created everything, and he wants to share this supreme glory with his followers. So, he wants to take away what he "should have", he created everything, and he wants to have everything. He used his baby to share with the saints, and to share his gospel with his flesh, the most holy blood, and the baby's life disappeared, and she, as the baby's producer, was ignored. reincarnation

Ignored is just ignored, she still exists, she wants to fight for power, she must overthrow his unbreakable dominance, and she finally uses an explosion to destroy the whole system, this world built by Phelich and controlled by him , she will use fire to destroy all sins, she is desperate, but more despair is still behind. He never died, the world remains in ashes, he dug out her heart, her heart, her soul, the restarter of the whole world, she was always controlled by him, he is immortal, and she is immortal , undead ruler and undead ruled, this is the eternal cycle of first and second nature. There is an antagonistic relationship between the two sexes. At the same time, they are fighting, fighting with the relationship between master and slave, and struggle with the relationship between the center and the periphery. This is a logical structure of a loop. As long as the patriarchy has always existed, then the mother will let it be slaughtered. , a woman is alienated as a vassal of a family, her labor value is not recognized, and she is not the head of the family, she is actually occupied by him, by the condescending male representative of power. However, she is the actual family in the vassal status. Her body works for the family and gives birth to the family. She is the family. We can see the family from her body, from the breasts, from the uterus, from the stretch marks. , She is the breeder of human beings and the nurturer of human beings. The mother is the new body of the woman. In a long-term patriarchal society, gender discipline is a major tool to suppress women, and this tool is exchanged for another tool-women are tools for family duties, tools for reproduction, and a tool for husbands and children. tool. This is the product of the power structure and the main culprit of women's victimization. Don't use greatness to tie your mother up. Mother's body is her own. Everyone should have their own rights, and they should have the right to ensure that their rights are not violated. On this basis, we also There needs to be a larger counter-movement against patriarchal society, which is to eliminate gender, to eliminate identity, to eliminate these social structures that create oppression.

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Mother! quotes

  • Woman: Can I ask you a question?


    Woman: Do you really love your husband?

    Mother: Yes, of course.

    Woman: [sarcastically] Are you telling me the truth?

  • HIM: My wife *loves* having company.