Kennel Fright (Dogman, 2018)

Hazle 2022-03-11 08:01:22

1. The question that the director seeks is: a person who started well but came to such a tragic situation, why? The answer he gave was: greed and profit.

2. Whether a person is good or not depends not on the details, but the generality. Is it a good person to care about small animals? There is a record from the Analects of Confucius Township Party: When Yan burned, his son retreated to the court and said, "Does it hurt people? Don't ask the horse." Looking back at the story, the hero Marcello rescued the dog in a messy house, asked the dog but not the person, and was at the scene of the crime How absurd is this tilt of the scales, with no sense of robbery! Look at how the male protagonist treats his companions later, and see how the people around him finally react to him and criticize him, and then you will know that this guy really has a lot of weight! For this reason, the director repeatedly, even ending with a long shot, is to suggest a macro perspective, which is what Zhuangzi said in the theory of Qiwu, "The great knows the idleness, the small knows the idleness; When souls meet, their senses also open up. They form a structure with connection, and daily use the heart, the mantle, the cellar, and the secret.”

3. Kennel Fright (Dogman, 2018) At the beginning, the fierce pit bull was Simon. We saw that this veterinarian did not know how to train dogs at all. He only tried to please him. In the middle of the movie, he kept giving him a massage. . To put it sharply, Simon is equivalent to a vicious dog that Marcello used to raise. It can be seen that Dogman is not a Dog whisperer. Such a person without horns and personality, everyone will abandon him. The Master said, "A village vow is a thief of virtue." Then Mencius further explained: "It is not without action, but it is without thorns; it is the same as the custom, it is in line with the filth of the world; it is like being faithful and faithful, and it is like being honest; If you are happy with it, you think you are right; you cannot follow the way of Yao and Shun, so you are called a thief of virtue.”

4. Marcello Fonte's acting skills are superb, performing the image of a poor child, and the abomination behind the poor person - wretched greed, in other words, "profit" is the bond established between Marcello and Simon, benefit is in people gathering, The dead are scattered. Was the story's protagonist, Marcello, driven by a ruthless fate? No! The director arranged many scenes to let this greedy idiot think and draw alone, showing that his personal tragedy was undoubtedly self-inflicted. For many important plots, if edited footage is used, although the presentation effect will be compact, it cannot present the coherence of thinking, and there will be the illusion of sudden movement and sporadic uprising. However, the profound meaning of long footage is here, allowing the audience to watch the whole process, to understand that the fate of tragedy is the result of people's own promotion. So long shots are not stunts.

5. Character characterization is the director's severe criticism of the society that is irresponsible and mercenary. It's just that this critique is very tightly wrapped. First, it establishes a father-daughter relationship, so that the characters are attached to flesh and blood; secondly, the villain's forceful intimidation wins the sympathy and attention of the audience; finally, it ends with a terrifying and unexpected twist, which is openly released for the story's main character. As for such a character would not be rebuked by the audience's abhorrence. However, at the same time, the righteousness buried deep in the ups and downs, vivid but absurd and terrifying plots emerges from the clouds, which shows his choreography skills.

6. The way of doing this script is the same as Qu Yuan's biography. Qu Yuan's biography takes Qu Yuan's worries as the scripture and the Chu Huaiwang's anger as the weft. The script is linked together to present the purpose: Qu Yuan's ambition. The Kennel Fright takes Marcello's greed as the scripture and Simon's anger as the weft, and even out the script, presenting the first point of the film: the criticism of profit-seekers.

7. The stages and meanings of snorkeling in the sea with my daughter are used to express the process of a person's psychological decline. At the beginning, it could still be a kind of enjoyment of life, but by the last trip, the enjoyment had become unrecognizable, even halfway out of the water like a drowned; What is the enjoyment of life at all? It was a sign of the disintegration and loss of his own life. Zhuangzi said, "It's like a gallop with the edge of things, but it can't stop, it's really sad!" Humans compete for interests in their entire lives, rubbing against the outside world and human affairs, colliding, colliding, and fighting. Such a life is just one death at the end. People who are not awakened can’t stop. Isn’t this too sad?

8. Marcello killed and killed the corpse. Halfway through, his self-interested personality came out again. He wanted to gain everyone's forgiveness and regain acceptance. Marcello quickly put out the fire and carried the body to the stadium. But, it's all just his delusion. This magical and realistic interlude is particularly fascinating. The end scene, the protagonist and the audience (camera perspective = audience point of view) are three points and one line, and the lines of sight overlap, leaving a playful aftertaste: starting from Marcello's perspective, the film fogs the long-term view At this time, although it still belongs to the objective photography angle, the subject has been pulled away from the center of reality; from the audience's point of view, the lens is clearly focused on the back of Marcello's head, so the audience has a mirror-clear insight and understands the blurred distant The pictures are nothing but delusional hallucinations and projections produced by his subjective consciousness.

9. Regarding being neighbors with wicked people, Han Feizi said that there is a fable under the forest:

There are neighbors with fierce people, who want to sell their houses and avoid them. The man said, "It's about to be full. Zigu will treat him." He replied, "I'm afraid that he will use my full power." So he left. Therefore, it is said: "The number of things is not something to be exaggerated."

10. Story Prototype:

Pietro De Negri, better known as Er Canaro (Roman dialect: "the dog keeper"; born 28 September 1956), is an Italian criminal, a dog coiffeur (hence the nickname) and a cocaine addict.

De Negri was born at Calasetta, in Sardinia. Later he lived in the Rome's neighbourhood of Magliana. At the age of 27, he killed former boxer, quarter tough guy, and fellow cocaine addict Giancarlo Ricci. The so-called Canaro's killing (Italian Delitto del Canaro) is notable for being one of the most gruesome crimes carried out in Italy since the end of World War II, particularly because the victim watched powerless during the excessive mutilation. The autopsy, however, later revealed that most of the tortures described by De Negri had, in fact, only been imagined by the man, who probably confused thought and reality as a result of his excessive consumption of cocaine. The boxer has actually been killed with a hammer, in no more than 40 minutes (as opposed to the 7 hours of tortures claimed by De Negri); no shampoo was used, nor has his cranium been opened. On the other hand, some fingers have been amputated post mortem.

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Extended Reading
  • Stone 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    I don't think it looks pretty.

  • Kennedy 2022-03-16 09:01:09

    The male protagonist is good, the ending is good, and there are no shortcomings and nothing to say about the film.