
Anastasia 2022-02-26 08:02:01

Because of the recent A Lita to be released, and everywhere in the blast blowing special effects

So I first watched Gunmeng ova1, ova2 ( I can only find these two paragraphs - go out and turn right at station B and look for yourself )

Not finished yet

Seeing half the feeling is

= = how a little crazy max 4 feeling

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
2015 / Australia USA / Action Sci-Fi Adventure / George Miller / Tom Hardy Charlize Theron

Find salvation , explore the meaning of life, the philosophy of life is the main theme

Three lines = = Too much like a thinking bird that the Japanese can write, Japan is full of power .

The search for the meaning of life

The quest for the unloved partner

The pursuit of a beautiful unknown life

Boyfriend You Hao's struggle ended in failure

The struggle of the doctor's sister paper ended in failure --I don't know if it counts as a winner or loser

I don't know about Rita's fight, but I think she should have won . ---Wait until I come back after reading the manga

When Rita found You Hao in the warehouse, I suddenly flashed a parasitic beast every minute ,

Parasite (2014)
2014 / Japan / Drama Action Science Fiction / Yamazaki Takashi / Someya will be too deep Tsu Eri

The Japanese seem to be obsessed with this kind of moment . I am an enemy of the whole world. At this moment, the heroine must appear to spend a good night with him. At this time, the life is complete = = the hero's relationship is complete, and then go after his own ideals, don't the Japanese What is your dream/life ultimate?

emmm, I've finished watching it, is You Hao swallowed up by desire ? As soon as I became a cyborg , I climbed up the pipe, and finally died ,,, thinking of the You Hao Phoenix Man mentioned in other comments, I laughed hahahahaha , then go watch the anime, over~

Wait, it seems that I haven't said my opinion on the film. I like the setting of this different world, but watching too much will make me feel that it will be a bit old to reconstruct a world and map the thinking of the real world in it. set. It depends entirely on whether the charm of the characters can stand, whether the entire logical structure of the different world is attractive enough, and whether the plot is thought-provoking enough. In this film, Rita draws a very lovable, idiotic face. The world structure waits for me to read the comics, only two episodes of ova feel that the plot is thin . . really over~

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  • Krystel 2022-04-20 09:02:34

    Impossible: Dreams & romantic love

  • Carson 2022-02-26 08:02:01

    Thinking that this color seems to be the "most suitable color for sci-fi" in Oshii Moriguchi, amber yellow?