Violence No matter how splendid the coat is, the soul will be lost for it.

Eino 2021-11-24 08:01:22

I saw a message about the "Garbage Man's Law" on WeChat:
A friend was driving in the correct lane, and suddenly a black car pulled out of the parking space, just blocking the front. The friend immediately stepped on the brakes, and the car slid for a short distance, just to get out of the car, and the distance between the two cars was only a few centimeters away! The driver of this car shook his head fiercely and yelled at us! My friend just smiled and waved to the guy. What I mean is: my friend behaved very kindly. So I asked him: "Why did you do that just now?! That guy almost destroyed your car and might hurt us!" This was what my friend told me at the time, and now I summarize it as the "garbage man's law" . He explained: “Many people are like'garbage men'. They run around and are full of negative garbage: full of frustration, anger, jealousy, calculation, hatred, full of arrogance and prejudice, greed, dissatisfaction, and complaining. , Comparing, full of shame, ignorance, ignorance, trouble, revenge, and disappointment. As the garbage in their hearts piles up and piles up, they finally need to find a place to dump it; sometimes, when we just run into it, the garbage is just Throw it on us..." "So, don't mind! Just smile, wave, stay away from them, and then continue walking our own way! Don't take their negative garbage and spread it to our family and friends , Colleagues, or other passers-by.” The bottom line here is: happy and successful people will never let the'garbage man' take over any day of their lives! Life is short, never waste your mind and energy on these things!
I took it seriously and sent it to a few friends.
I think if I was blocked by the so-called garbage man here more than ten years ago, I would also approve of "National Massacre Day" and look forward to "cleaning up the garbage" like a hero.
I think more than 90% of people have similar thoughts in their passionate age. Fortunately, we had scruples at that time; fortunately, we have grown up now.
Watching netizens said that at the end of the film, the hostess was kind-hearted to let go of the invading neighbors, and see how their family will spend next year. I think I understand what the hostess thinks. To be a human being, there are always things to insist on. It is more important than the bumps and dangers of the road ahead. And more importantly, her children will know her choices. Do any parents want their children to see killing as a pleasure like those wearing masks? I think as long as it is not frenzied and really crazy, no parents want to be like that.
In a program of "Seeing", the reporter asked a mother of a child with intellectual disabilities: What kind of world do you want? She said: I want my child to walk on the road. Everyone feels very ordinary. There is no strange vision, no pointers, and no bullying. I know that he will be safe to go out alone.
I reflected on the reasons why I would support the "National Massacre Day" in the film when I was young. In addition to the impulse of youth and youth, the more important reason is that I am being protected too well and I don't know what life is. Popular, ungrounded.
Some people say: Because I understand, I am compassionate.
If you don’t understand the hardships of life and the pain of survival, you probably won’t understand others.
In addition, I firmly believe that existence is truth.
Even if Li's actions arouse social anger, at least his existence allows us to see the failure of his mother's education, so that parents will take time to think about how to educate their children in their busy schedule.
Violence is simple. Simple and very irresponsible. Born as human beings, most of us are not lonely individuals. We have parents and relatives, and we will have children. Ask yourself what kind of world you want to live in, and ask yourself what kind of social atmosphere you want your family, friends and children to live in.
Is it to understand each other as far as possible to be tolerant and peaceful, or is it simple violence + panic all day long.

I don't understand the seemingly professional issues of film structure, shooting techniques, and plot settings. I think the movie that touches me makes me think is a good movie for me.
A netizen mentioned my favorite "The Silent Lambs" and called it a high IQ movie. I think the reason why "Shen" is high is not only because of the high IQ of the protagonist, but also because the director's torture of human nature is also high.
The characters in this film are very ordinary, ordinary adult men and women and teenagers. The emotions they interpret in this film are also very ordinary, the excitement of success, the jealousy between the neighbors, the opposition between adolescent girls and the authority of the family, the kindness and recklessness of the children, the repeated choices of the mother... It is precisely because of these common truths that I was more touched than "The Silent Lamb".
It's like everyone likes Superman, but who cares about Superman's life after he gets off his head?

This piece is good.

A supplementary sentence to come back to Ji Po: If you want to change the world, please start by changing yourself.

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The Purge quotes

  • [after Mary butts Grace's gun in the face and smashing her head on the glass table]

    Mary Sandin: DID YOU HEAR ME, GRACE? NO MORE KILLING TONIGHT!... Is it that hard to understand?

  • Mary Sandin: Just remember all the good the purge does.