[2017 Chat Movie No.8] Perfectly restored [Shell] (prosthetic body) but made a mistake of [Ghost] (soul) (adapted by blind JB), the live-action movie "Ghost in the Shell".

Tess 2021-11-11 08:01:16

——I am "This movie is very friendly to non-original fans, but will be scolded by the original fans of the pseudo-IP real Hollywood superhero future technology popcorn movie", the following are all spoiler dividing lines-I ran to see Before the premiere, I finished the 1995 original theatrical version in the library and on the train going home, and I deeply understood that the work of God is not changed by time or will. Just because I read the original book, my mood for the movie is complicated-in the process of watching the movie, it is 100% restored on the one hand [jumping] [shirtless] [optical camouflage] [airplane with wings] [bart of peasy eyes 】【War Chariot】【Break off the arm and tear off the car cover】and other battle scenes, I was moved to tears, but also to abandon the original dark philosophical core (human existence and its proof) and join Shao Zuo’s life experience, Asian mothers, The human villain boss is full of routines and regrets that he is speechless. Hollywood gave us the Scarlett Johansson version of Motoko Kusanagi, which almost perfectly restored the appearance, but added extra emotion to the character. Motoko in the animation is calm and resolute, but there are more feelings of confused and fragile people in the movie. Especially the evil technology company transforming humans to kill innocent humanoid weapons indiscriminately, awakening memories of old things and upholding justice is a bad street setting. It can be said that it completely deviates from the core values ​​of the original work, weakening and subverting the setting of the classic character [Puppet Master]. The most sb adaptation of the film (of course the director did the same to Snow White back then). You can harmonize Oshii Mamoru’s naked and evil tastes into an autumn coat, or you don’t need to restore Loli’s change of head and shame to play, but when you let Shao Zuo stand on the top of the building overlooking the city and be proud of the embarrassing sense of justice, This movie is completely reduced to [Ghost in the Shell], the inferior parallel world fan show of the god IP, which is pathetic and hateful. So, the correct viewing order is: the original after the movie, then you won't have the mood of me being so angry that you shoot your thighs straight.

2 stars for the screen and the widow sister.

View more about Ghost in the Shell reviews

Extended Reading
  • Rodolfo 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    "Island Love Action Movie" + "Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom" ​​+ "Who Am I, Where Am I, Who Is Beating Me" + "The Ghosts Are Over" + "Your Name" + "The Ghost Knows What I've Been Through" ". This film teaches us that long-term handjobs can lead to memory loss and even hallucinations.

  • Darby 2022-03-21 09:01:35

    2.5; A blockbuster routine that loses its spirit, and the monologue at the end is too preachy, it is too correct, and it is boring; about illusions, dreams, and memories, you can make a big fuss about it, but the director is obviously not interested in it; the scene has a sense, Kitano Takeshi is too handsome, and the widow sister's face is perfect.

Ghost in the Shell quotes

  • Dr. Ouelet: Do any of the glitches mean something to you?

    Major: No. They don't.

    Dr. Ouelet: You've been inside the same shell as he has. That could have... very serious consequences. You were not authorized to Deep Dive the geisha.

    Major: You're disappointed.

    Dr. Ouelet: No, I'm worried. You're not invulnerable. I can repair your body, but I can't protect your mind.

    Major: Why not? You can see all my thoughts, so... you should be able to secure them.

    Dr. Ouelet: Try and understand your importance, Mira. You're what everyone will become one day.

    Major: You don't know how alone that makes me feel.

  • Major: The Harbor. My parents. The way they died. Did that happen?

    Dr. Ouelet: No. We gave you false memories. Cutter wanted to motivate you to fight terrorists. I didn't approve. It was cruel, but my work, it was important, and... you were born. You were so beautiful.

    Major: Nothing I have is real.