generation to generation

Chaz 2022-02-04 08:15:03

"Luna", as the pre-screening of "Brave", tells the story of three generations of grandparents cleaning the moon. The little boy became a moon god step by step in the study and exploration of his parents. This is not only a kind of inheritance, but also a kind of growth.

First of all, from the music analysis, the film uses the orchestral music as the background sound. In the first half of the film, before landing on the moon, the music is mainly played by stringed instruments. The film begins with the grandfather and grandson driving a boat slowly on the sea, accompanied by a slow and melodious ukulele accompaniment, which is unique to the sea. There is a sense of tranquility and comfort. The ukulele accompaniment stopped when Grandpa turned off the lights. At the moment when the moon rises, the accompaniment of the harp will follow, representing that the development of the story gradually enters the main topic.

The moon rises, the harp sounds

When the little boy carries the anchor on his back, the soundtrack becomes an elegant and deep cello performance. The anchor on his shoulder is like a mission to take over, indicating the beginning of the little boy's growth journey, like a ceremony, serious and solemn .

little boy with anchor on his back

When the little boy climbed two steps, stopped, looked back at his grandpa and dad, and continued to climb the ladder, the soundtrack changed to a long violin playing. The process of the little boy climbing the ladder is like walking on the road of growth. The road to growth is long, and he needs to rely on his own step by step. When he gets the support of his family and leaves the care of his family to move forward alone, all the unknowns ahead become curious. and explore.

When the little boy reached the moon, the playing of the violin was intensified, and the playing of the cello, piano, and saxophone appeared. The combination of several musical instruments expresses the little boy's curiosity and amazement in the face of new things. At the same time, the appearance of the new soundtrack also reflects the difference between the moon and the ground, and the soundtrack is used to distinguish the two.

little boy reaching the moon

When Grandpa and Dad went to the moon, the soundtrack became mainly wind music. When grandpa and dad quarreled over cleaning tools, the playful sound of the saxophone contrasted with the quarrel picture, but it contrasted with the comparison between the little boy holding two brooms and the beard of grandpa and dad, and the soundtrack showed the innocence of the little boy.

parents quarrel

The soundtrack turns to strings again as the little boy climbs the big star. After the little boy smashed the big star, the soundtrack turned into an ensemble of violin and harp. The change of music reflected the shooting down of the star. For the little boy, it was a new beginning, a kind of growth, and also a new generation of moon sweepers. Start.

star crush

When the grandparents returned to the boat, the soundtrack became a violin and saxophone ensemble. The orchestral ensemble shows that growth is not only the growth of the little boy, but also the growth of the parents, the reconciliation of the old generation and the new generation.

back on board

From the perspective of shooting, when the fathers first quarreled, they used medium-view shooting for their father, which not only showed his father's lofty majesty, but the father who finally won this quarrel shows that his father's status in the family is high. Unshakable. It also shows that the grandfather is the old generation and the father is the new generation, and the generation is higher than the generation. At the same time, it was revealed that in front of such a dignified father, it was difficult for the little boy to be unique.

At the end, when the little boy climbed the big star, he used a panoramic aerial shot. In the picture, the position of the little boy is higher than that of the parents, indicating that the parents are the older generation and the little boy is the new generation, and the generation surpasses the generation. It also implies that when the little boy climbs the peak of growth, he will soon reach the peak.

Generations and generations of moon sweepers are both a kind of persistence and a kind of inheritance. Generation after generation, mutual influence grows together.

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Extended Reading
  • Ned 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    Score so high? Did you not have a more interesting reverie in your childhood? The way of landing on the moon seems familiar, as if there is a similar plot in the three-body online game.

  • Romaine 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Pixar brain-damaged fans!!!!! Beautiful!!!!! Became the second place in my pixar short video list!!!! Childlike innocence is great..!!! Especially when the stars are knocked open.. .!!!!!!

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