
Horace 2022-03-15 08:01:03

While reading Woolf's essay, she talks about how often we, as readers, are not serious enough and overlook many details. We have not fulfilled our responsibilities as readers, and we should carefully consider the author's intentions to see what he wants us to see.
Inspired by this, I suddenly wanted to take a good look at this "Green Card", a movie that I had seen a few years ago and revisited recently. What exactly does the director want us to see?
The first is about "Africa", from the street drumming performance at the beginning of the film, to the African cafe, to George's various lies about Africa, my question is, why choose Africa? In Brandy's frown when he looked at the black boy, when Oscar, the gatekeeper, was excited to introduce George to his children, telling them that this gentleman had been to Africa, what was the director and screenwriter? What do you want to convey? He seems to be showing, in the hearts of ordinary people, his sympathy for the reality of Africa's suffering, and his infinite yearning for the vast grasslands. This kind of general feeling is reflected so calmly, I seem to understand why he can win the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay with such a seemingly ordinary romantic love story. The film from more than ten years ago is not so fancy, but it is as delicate and moving as the petite rose in Brandy's hand.
Back to my topic: "hinting". Lies are also a hint. When we make up lies, we use our imagination and let ourselves accept them subconsciously first, so that there are fakes that come true, so there are always actors who really fall in love when they stage a love story. For a stranger, when they have to pretend they are lovers, when they make up all kinds of lies, this powerful psychological suggestion, when two people forge love letters to each other, is like an invisible red thread that begins to wrap around the two On the ankles of people who have never met, in fact, love has always come from ourselves, from imagination, and even from the lies that we think we are in love. And reality is the enemy of love. When taking photos on the rooftop, they were clearly two smiling faces full of love. They were so happy in their imaginations, but when reality knocked on the door, everything vanished in an instant. I personally read the ending with a smile. When people begin to accept their own imaginations and follow their own feelings, the fog dissipates, and love turns into mutual love. At this moment, happiness begins, but this moment has nothing to do with reality. The struggle also began. The people in the movie freeze at the moment of happiness, and Sora leaves us with envious laughter and bitter reverie.
A good movie is worth watching again and again. In the process of speculating, it seems that I have penetrated into it. It is different from the shock that I feel when I watch a movie purely passively. Such further exploration allows me to see the value of its creative process. After the rendering of my own imagination, the story in the movie is no longer just a passing pastime. The biggest gain is that it made me find a similar enjoyment to reading a book when watching a movie for the first time.

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Extended Reading
  • Anne 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    We talk too much and sometimes don't believe the truth

  • Christa 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    I watched it a while back, the part where the big nose played the piano and woke everyone up and pretended to speak French was funny.

Green Card quotes

  • [trying to shift all the blame for their bogus marriage onto Georges]

    Brontë Mitchell Faure: You stroll around my apartment, touching my things. Do you know what trouble you've gotten me into? Do you?

  • Georges: I am the husband!