color, geometry, composition

Clare 2022-03-15 08:01:01

Unconventional viewing records, nothing to do with the plot, just record the visual pleasure~

Keep Funny

moving textbook

bark like a fish

bird sunbathing

Sensual parking space

Put on the new pet-friendly outfit

the world inside

my new mount

old plastic tube

dream house

Dear family, lovely dog

Colorful courtyard, silly fish swimming pool

winding stone road

Movable afternoon tea seat

kitchen without smoke

skylight like eyes

beautiful life

old-fashioned carriage

familiar neighborhood

Market of everything

window, terrace, cottage

View more about Mon Oncle reviews

Extended Reading
  • Fidel 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    The 30th OSCAR BEST FORIEGN PICTURE, in a way that is close to a silent film, two comparisons, too long and too nonsensical.

  • Cesar 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    Tatti and JGballard's attitude towards modernism in the 1960s is quite similar. Shanghai literary youths who have just watched the movie can turn to Panyu Road to hack their sentiments!

Mon Oncle quotes

  • Charles Arpel: We could go to the Sexy Club.

    Madame Arpel: I prefer Constantino and his nice music.