"Black Widow"-a self-defeating woman, an instrumentalist of the American dream

Emmanuel 2021-11-22 18:54:15

From "Tragic Spies" to "Cardinals" and "Anna", the unchanging images of Russian female agents in American movies can be basically summarized as follows: the glamorous and sexy Russian female agents fall in love with American men, treason and turn to the United States. embrace. Although the structure is simple and old-fashioned, it is useful. It fully satisfies the American dream of the red necks of Amelica. I call it the American movie version of Huiyuan Kidney.

And the Black Widow obviously did not break away from this routine, ambiguous about Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and once had a stable relationship with the gentle and good man Dr. Banner. In the movie "Black Widow", she and Yelena are more straightforward and fall in love with Uncle Sam more abstractly, and the democratic and free America he represents. In "Avengers IV", she did not hesitate to sacrifice herself and fulfilled the eagle eye (a typical American middle-class figure representative, with a wife, a son and a house, another symbol of the American dream)-a middle class without American core The family members make up a member of an American-style middle-class nuclear family.

Is it a super heroine or a perfect projection from Male Fantasy? ——Cool Girl Trope

Cool girl is hot. Cool girl is game. Cool girl is fun. Cool girl never gets angry at her man. She only smiles in a chagrin-loving manner and then presents her mouth for fucking. She likes what he likes. —— From Gone Girl

For Natasha, she is not only the "brother" who saves the world with the male super hero, but also a sexy and beautiful female character who can satisfy the pleasure of male viewers. Of course, a very important point is that she is a secondary character, which is stronger than her in the comic universe, and is different from the leadership setting. In the MCU movie universe, she has been weakened in all aspects (here and It’s not that the MCU comic universe is more female-friendly), she is just a role that provides support for other male characters that will not overwhelm their limelight, and can add some fighting and glamorous scenes to the movie, commonly known as a tool person.

Of course, if a Cool Girl is just a brother to a man, she just likes cars, sports, or other traditionally masculine activities, then she is not a Cool Girl. The most important thing for Cool Girl is that her boyish temperament has to be put into a sexy and effortless female body. For example, Natasha made her debut in "Iron Man 2". She is the undercover agent sent by SHIELD to Stark Industries. She plays the role of Iron Man's secretary. She can speak multiple languages, but Iron Man is most interested in It's her underwear photo. Not to mention that in many MCU movies, her costumes, expressions, movements, and behaviors are all over-sexualized to cater to male gaze, and the camera focuses too much on her breasts, buttocks, etc. with sexual hints. Of the site.

In Black Widow’s personal film, Marvel seems to reflect on the former male gaze, using Yelena’s mouth to ridicule Natasha’s previous excessively sexual postures. It can be seen that before Warner ate feminism through "Wonder Woman", Marvel was very jealous. Yelena not only ridiculed Natasha’s sexual posture in the Marvel series of movies, she herself is an example of a woman who is not “sexy”. The movie depicts her discomfort with sexy poses in many places, and repeatedly emphasizes that she is comfortable to wear. Practical clothes—the vest that has many pockets, fits well, and is very convenient—corresponds to the current Western feminist criticism that there are no pockets in the fashion industry.

It has to be said that Marvel did "work hard" in order to please the mainstream feminist rights in the West in the personal black widow movie.

Going back to the two generations of black widows Natasha and Yelena, although Yelena replaced the old Cool Girl represented by Natasha, from pleasing men to pleasing women, her image has evolved compared to Natasha, and of course she is still very cute. But in addition to getting rid of Cool Girl as the object of sexual gaze, can she get rid of being an accessory of the male super British: first, whether she is not an ambiguous object of the male super British, serving the emotional line of the male super British; second, not for "Brothers" (men's super British) sacrifice. These two points should also be taken into consideration.

Now that I have talked about the two generations of black widows Natasha and Yelena, I have to mention that they were neutered by Red Room because of their traits mentioned many times in the movie. Here I skip the criticism of the reproductive humiliation of Natasha in "Avengers 2" because he was unable to have children and considered himself a monster. I would like to ask a question first: Does the liberation of women come at the cost of women's self-elimination?

If there is a movement in this world that dissolves the main body of the movement, then it must be a feminist movement. The feminist movement, especially liberal feminism, has participated in and shaped the concept of gender, denying a series of differences between men and women based on physiological differences, and conspiring with the affirmative movement to derive a set of “civilization” similar to gender mobility. division". This disregard of facts and consequences has also received some so-called scientific support. These scientists serving for political purposes, without any substantive evidence at all, forcibly concluded that some of the data they listed could not be confirmed at all. The conclusion.

This kind of dispelling of women basically includes two directions. One, the elimination of the gender of women. After experiencing, for thousands of years, men educate women about what a woman should be, and now it's up to men to define what a woman is. In the "American Equal Rights Act", a male athlete is allowed to participate in female sports competitions as a female as long as he declares that he is a woman, without doing hands or taking medicine. This equality is based on denying the equality of women's gender. It is not women, but people who are menstruating, and they are "women" who are more feminine than women.

The second direction is the elimination of women's natural fertility and organs. Female sexual characteristics are called holes and flesh, and female fertility is a burden. Women pursue equality like men. The primary level is self-disgusting of their own body and fertility, and the ultimate goal is to become a subordinate man without fertility through surgery. All the girls in the Red Room have been sterilized. It seems to be a coming-of-age ceremony like an excellent agent. As long as there is a female fertility, you are not an excellent agent. You can only be "like a man" if you can't get pregnant. May be an excellent agent.

Patriarchal society itself is such a contradiction, misogyny but must rely on women for reproduction. On the one hand, they admonish women, just like a woman, you have no social value, only family value, so you can only be secondary and subordinate to men; on the other hand, they admonish women that if they are like men, they have social value. , Has no family value, is a monster. In fact, the position of women in society and the family, whether they are respected or oppressed, has nothing to do with whether they conform to the norms of women, but only with who makes the norms. As long as the rule is still patriarchy, whether women are to cater to capital patriarchy, to be like men, or to cater to traditional patriarchy, women who want to be feminine are not the way out for women.

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Extended Reading
  • Britney 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    Almost none of the elements exceeded expectations, and the combination still feels good. It doesn't matter if you repeat the female theme a few times, if you find it annoying, it's just troublesome for you to get used to it??

  • Summer 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Widow's first solo solo is also the last one. This confidant sister in the reunion has been gentle until the end of her life. I dare not think about how much hurt the widowhood's painful and distorted experience in the red house has brought her. Just like the clips in the film are only about 10 minutes, we don't want to dig into the trauma in her heart, we just want to tell her everything It's all over, she has a family, she has me. Recalling all the passages in the Avengers, I admired her so much at the beginning, and now I feel so sorry for her. She was supposed to lead all the female heroes in Avengers IV, but her bones were not cold under the cliffs of Womir. She was supposed to have the most brilliant personal trilogy, but it could only end with a tombstone. The family is reunited but separated forever... All this is unfair to her but it is irreversible. I will never learn to say goodbye to the widow sister because she will always live in my heart. The release of the widow means that I want to seal all the memories of the first generation of 6 people, all because you have no heart in Marvel! ! !

Black Widow quotes

  • Melina Vostokoff: What about Romanoff?

    Dreykov: She's a traitor. She turned her back on her people. On her blood. She had nothing. I gave her home. I gave her love. Put that thing in her you do. You know, uh, chemicals. Turn her into one of your pigs.

  • Dreykov: [to Antonia/Taskmaster] Say hello.