The Dawn Wall focuses on the next catch

Liana 2022-04-05 08:01:01

The Tokyo Olympics have just come to an end, and the extreme sport of rock climbing has entered the Olympic Games as an official event for the first time. The film revolves around the protagonist Tommy, telling the story of his extraordinary growth and recording his amazing feat of conquering the "world's hardest cliff to climb" Dawn Wall together with his friend Kevin.

I have read a lot of biographies of inspirational figures similar to Nick Hu Zhe earlier. To be honest, before watching the movie, I expected to see this movie as a half action movie, and I can fully appreciate the superb climbing skills of the protagonist. And the beautiful scenery of cliffs and mountains. But with the advancement of the story and the narration of the characters' psychology, they were slowly brought in.

The three most touching points of the whole film:

1. Tommy's father's parenting concept.

"For me, the best gift I can give my children is the ability to cope with adversity."

Tommy was born with a congenital physical defect. It was his father who insisted all the way, guiding Tommy to find a new way to find Sony Ericsson in his life, until he succeeded step by step. If it weren't for his father's active, brave and wise educational philosophy, which gave little Tommy recognition and new hope, he would not have achieved many achievements and a happy life today.

2. Facing his wife's cheating and leaving and finger disability.

Tommy, who was at the peak of his life, never thought that God would give him such a big test again. Two arguably the most important people and things in his life left him one after another - his wife who had been together for ten years and the index finger of his left hand. Under the double blow of his mind and body, he chose to accept it and move on. He practiced harder and harder again and again, explored new finger coordination patterns, and stood back on the rock wall again.

Ask yourself how I would face it if it were me. After years of cheating with my lover, I may doubt myself and even change my temperament; if my finger is injured, I must give up rock climbing and follow the doctor's advice to choose a new career. But he didn't. Relying on the strong spiritual energy honed since childhood, he chose to face difficulties and believe in the future, and finally reap the new peak of success in his career and family.

3. Help friends regain confidence and succeed after giving up after failure.

In the process of climbing the Dawn Wall, his friend Kevin was stuck on the toughest pitch 15 and was unable to pass. Tommy, after waiting for him for 3 days, first continued to climb up by himself, and then decided to return to help Kevin break through the difficulties and go hand in hand. It wasn't until the seventh day of the stagnation, when I saw Kevin successfully pass the 15th pitch and put the safety clip on, I was in tears and goosebumps because of his tireless efforts and Tommy's support for the return.

Finally, tell yourself: Life is like climbing again and again. In the process, you will face countless falls, countless new route choices, and countless friends' gatherings and separations. No matter how many times you fall, as long as you don't fall to your death, you should continue to be brave. Whether the last point was perfect or failed, it is in the past, and the next point is the right direction.

This year is really not easy. The six-year relationship has ended without a hitch, and the work is also facing major changes. It doesn't matter, focus on the next point, keep moving forward positively, the ending is destined to be good!

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Extended Reading
  • Antonio 2022-04-22 07:01:58

    People born for dreams are always creating miracles, and a real inspirational life is more moving and exciting than 10,000 chicken soup essays. The film not only records the process of rock climbing, but also adds personal ups and downs to make the theme more profound. Life is like rock climbing, and you always have to overcome each 15 pitch before you can conquer yourself.

  • Meta 2022-04-08 09:01:13

    Compared with the protagonist of "Free solo", Tommy, who has a lot of human touches and suffering in the world, is really cute. All his encounters made him choose to throw away (?) his mobile phone and wait for Kevin to overcome the fifteenth section. This kind of friendship is very touching. Humans can be lovely creatures, when they don't want to go after fame and fortune.