Forget about Nolan so-and-so, not a genre movie

Orland 2022-04-02 08:01:01

1. Many people are talking about Wu Yanzu's stuff (the lines are deliberately added in Chinese, which reflects Wu Yanzu's madness on the side), and Wu Yanzu is a small role in the film, so there is no need to pay too much attention.

2. It is neither like a traditional sci-fi movie (the plot is not intuitive in terms of sci-fi presentation) nor a romance movie (although it is about Uncle Wolf falling in love, but the whole drama is told with suspense ideas), The above two can only be said to be secondary factors driving the discovery of the film.

3. Because of the stitching of science fiction, love, and suspense, it seems that it can't grasp the point, and it seems to be telling around the main line. In fact, the director is too deliberate, or the screenwriter in the later stage is bells and whistles (doesn't know what he wants to express), which leads to the plot Rather abrupt.

Watching the moment Uncle Wolf struggled to take out the poisonous needle in the water tank reminded me of Wolverine, and there were a lot of surprises in the whole movie (I won't talk more about it), 4 points!

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Extended Reading
  • Lelah 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    They are not so couple-looking.

  • Mylene 2022-04-06 09:01:07

    Relatively old-fashioned sci-fi, so that it has no viewing value

Reminiscence quotes

  • Nick Bannister: The past can haunt a man. That's what they say. That the past is just a series of moments. Each one perfect. Complete. A bead on the necklace of time. The past doesn't haunt us. Wouldn't even recognize us. If there are ghosts to be found, it's us who haunt the past. We haunt it, so we can look again. See the people we miss, and the things we missed about them.

  • Nick Bannister: People love their secrets. They think secrets are the one thing they can take with them when they go.