The sand sea breaks the waves and the bitter giant's grave is full of flowers

Etha 2022-02-04 08:13:18

This documentary can only be described as "cute", sincere, frank and wishful thinking.

Throughout the whole process, I listened to Jodorowsky's "piu piu piu" "biu biu biu" how awesome his ideas were, and then looked at the material and served, it was really "piu piu piu" "biu biu biu" Terrific!

The long shot simulated by the simple strokes is probably the opening that any space fan and science fiction fan can only dream of. However, don't be fooled by the old Zuo like Dali, can the technology of that era accomplish such an idea? Even when the technology matures decades later, the beginning of "Contact" and the end of "Men in Black" can only be done to make up simpler effects.

I like the death of Duke Leto designed by Lao Zuo very much. Its vitality is only comparable to "Fengshen Bang", one of the originators of the cult in our country. But can such a scene of chopping melons and vegetables appear in a masterpiece with a budget of up to 15 million US dollars in the 1970s? Mickey Mouse was so scared that we didn't play.

For Lao Zuo, "fun and willful" is not enough, what is needed is "genius and madness".

Money is not the problem, of course, the problem is lack of money.

Lao Zuo is like Don Quixote, he has no hesitation, he goes forward without hesitation, with the trend of destroying the dry and pulling the rot, standing in front of the wall called "reality".

Holding back the tears, Lao Zuo died unjustly.

To put it mildly, this is the best rice-making team in history. To put it mildly, the most talented suicide squad ever.

Many talented directors know that they need to find a balance between technology and completion. Kubrick knew that he couldn't make "Artificial Intelligence", but the time had not yet come; Cameron took 14 years to come up with "Avatar", and he was also waiting for the technology. You know, these two are technical madmen, and if there is a chance, they will jump and pick the big fruit.

Of course, if the technology can be done, it only needs to complete the first chapter of the feasibility report. Investment, distribution, grading, and market balance are all the reasons why Zuo Shi Dune is doomed to fail.

While we are sighing, we must also think about whether there are cheap ingredients in it. Please don't put the term "Fantasy Movie" on a stillborn project. Many other good projects are not as lucky as it is. There is such an interesting documentary to cry out for yourself. That legendary big picture book is precisely the best destination for Zuo's Dune.

Of course, as a movie fan, watching this documentary is full of joy, especially when one after another big boss is banging in front of him, and the pride between his eyebrows seems to be forty years younger. What is even more shocking is the ending, how many classic nutrient a project that was killed has become, and I get goosebumps when I see it.

This documentary tells us that film is an industrial product that relies on teamwork. If you want to create, you have to find which types of people in which directions; the final decision is not the director, but the studio and investors; research The inter-generational inheritance relationship of film skills can be examined from the two dimensions of age and team members.

What's even more rewarding is that this film is a "reincarnation of the filth", isn't it?

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Extended Reading
  • Doug 2022-03-27 09:01:23

    Be ambitious, even if you only live a year. There are no fucking platters, just warriors.

  • Krystina 2022-03-22 09:03:04

    Documenting the most powerful sci-fi team in the 1970s The cult madman Sandstorm-level artist is trying to sweep the history of sci-fi movies. The most rare thing is to see an 80-year-old old man full of enthusiasm and yelling at the camera about his crazy ideas. This group of promising Thirty years ago, young people paved the door to science fiction, and here I bow down to the madman Jodorowsky who didn't photograph the dunes.

Jodorowsky's Dune quotes

  • Alejandro Jodorowsky: I wanted a musical group for every planet. Pink Floyd. They will make the music for Leto. Pink Floyd have a record, Dark Side of the Moon. For me, that is the human being, like the moon. One side is brilliant, light. And the other side, who is black, the unconscious, what is mysterious, what is deep.

  • Alejandro Jodorowsky: For me, science fiction was like a huge theater, like a huge work of art. Every spaceship was a being, like an insect, like a fabulous bird. That was the spaceship I wanted.