The fight scenes are more exciting.

Alexandrine 2022-10-17 20:17:14

Probably because I haven't watched any movies recently (I've watched very few and it's bad), so I think this movie is the most enjoyable movie I've watched in recent months, because most of the fighting scenes. Although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, If others commented that it was a story of "a tough guy saves a beautiful woman", and the plot is a bit loose, it was originally to save Uncle Max, but he had to save himself first, and in the end it was Uncle who saved them and it was taken for granted because it was an experimental subject. . Died very fast. A
little indifferent.

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Extended Reading

Far Cry quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Dr. Krieger: [From Trailer] You're just a simple boat man.

    Jack Carver: I didn't say anything about being simple.