Smiley details

Lorena 2022-02-03 08:04:06

It's a really good movie. I saw someone commented that this is the best war movie. I don't understand. I think the pianist full metal shell Private Ryan has watched Apocalypse Now and all kinds of war movies. How can it be? It's the best. After watching it, I found it to be true. This is the best war movie because it's not about war, it's about people.

There are not many comments to write, the previous comments are also very good, just remember three small details that make people smile: the

little boy joined another group of teenage gangsters, there was a qualification test, the boss asked him What swear words, he said the only swear word he heard in the morning: fuck. As a result, all the little boys gasped and said to him, "This is the most serious word, and we only use it on the most important occasions."

The little boy was holding his five- or six-year-old sister in the keyhole to watch his sister and the soldier have sex. The little sister said that they kept changing, and they would definitely not do it. The little boy retorted. The little sister said that when she sees her parents doing things, she always lies down and doesn't move, and she doesn't always change, that means they will do it.

The little boy's grandfather is an old boy, irritable and cute. He said to the little boy while playing baseball: Do you know why your grandma named her four daughters Hope, Grace, Faith and Charity? Because she thinks those are four virtues that I don't have.

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Extended Reading
  • Adalberto 2022-03-21 09:03:27

    A warm and joyous war theme, from the perspective of children in the British rear of World War II, the cruelty of war is around them, and the innocence is bit by bit consumed by this cruelty. "They blew up the school! Thank you Adolph!" A poignant and ironic line, the war has changed the lives of many people, and I hope suffering will not come again.

  • Domenica 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    Hope and glory, boating on the river~~

Hope and Glory quotes

  • Grandfather George: Give him the you... know... what!

  • Teacher: [jabbing at a map of the world, with the British Empire lands in pink] Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. What are all the pink bits? Rowan.

    Bill Rowen: They're ours, Miss.

    Teacher: Yes. The British Empire. Arthur... what fraction of the earth's surface is British?

    Arthur in Roger's Gang: Don't know, Miss.

    Teacher: Anyone? Jennifer Baker?

    Jennifer Baker: Two-fifths, Miss.

    Teacher: Yes, two-fifths! Ours. That's what this war is all about. Men are fighting and dying to save all the pink bits for you ungrateful little twerps.