Tired as a bereaved dog

Sunny 2022-03-14 08:01:02

Of the four stories, three have unfamiliar backgrounds, the Bible stories, the French religious wars, the wars in Babylon and Persia... From the very beginning, the four stories were told separately, which seemed very laborious. In addition, I found that the longest version of this film is 210 minutes. I saw that it is a 123-minute version, which may affect understanding.
When I got to the middle, I slowly understood what the director wanted to say and what was going on. Even so, the subtitles, narration, low-definition pictures, artificial color rendering...
The movie starts with Griffith! I believe this is not too much. From him, cinema became an independent art. He went a little further and started to explore philosophical questions - in those days!
The subject of tolerance will never go out of fashion, as philosophical propositions always do.
Just like the ancient students, if they want to study, they first go to the Confucian Temple to worship. Griffith probably played such a role to me... His films must be watched!
When Confucius wandered and his disciples got lost, a man from Zheng called Zigong, saying: There are people in the east gate, whose head is like Yao, whose neck is like Gao pottery, and whose shoulders are like Zi’s. Mr. Ge's subsequent fate was not very good... It is also very suitable for this "tired and lost dog".

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Extended Reading
  • Eileen 2022-04-23 07:05:17

    3.5, the pioneer of anti-war films

  • Adolf 2022-04-23 07:05:17

    9.5/10. The four stories alternate, and their common themes are love and tolerance: the annexation of Babylon by Persia, the crucifixion of Jesus, the religious massacre of Saint Bartholomey in France, the conflict between workers and capitalists in the twentieth century , is the story of a young worker who had a relationship with a former boss because of his salary. After the latter died, he was framed as a murderer and sentenced to death. His wife tried her best to find the real murderer to save him). One of the biggest audiovisual highlights is the film's multi-timeline parallel narrative structure (transitions through subtitle cards), and the other is the parallel montage/theme montage (generated by juxtaposing events from different timelines). Both are groundbreaking. In addition, the gorgeous setting and costumes, the scheduling of grand scenes (such as the two parts of Babylon's return from victory and the destruction of the city. That scheduling!), the use of cross-montages (such as the rescue of the young workers at the end), etc. Pretty good. It's a pity that the film itself was born too early, and inevitably there are technical limitations.

Intolerance quotes

  • The Mountain Girl: But touch my skirt and I'll scratch your eyes out!

  • Prince Belshazzar: [to his princess beloved] The fragrant mystery of your body is greater than the mystery of life.