don't know what to say

Javonte 2022-03-29 08:01:02

I admit, I was drawn to the title. An hour and a half of the movie, I just watched it before Singles Day on my computer and finished it today. I was very confused at the front, I didn't know what to say, and then I was shocked. I didn't know what I was watching until about the last half hour of watching it, and it was only after I finished that I probably realized that it turned out to be such a story. But the final ending was not so powerful. I guess it was a turning point in the arrangement, but I tried my best to understand that this was a turning point but ultimately failed. It's a good title, and it's not a bad subject, but it's a bad movie... After watching it, I only know the story it tells, but I still don't know what it's going to show... For the settings of many plot characters , I have never understood the meaning of their existence.

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Extended Reading
  • Kaitlin 2022-03-29 08:01:02

    What a great subject, unfortunately wasted.

  • Tiara 2022-03-30 09:01:12

    I was trying to get a movie scene, but I failed~

11-11-11 quotes

  • Joseph Crone: What does it say about me that I find it much easier to believe in the Devil than I do in God?

  • Samuel Crone: You think because you're seeing some number over and over again, that someone or something is trying to contact you?

    Joseph Crone: You believe in praying to an old man who lives in the clouds?