Who am I?

Jaylen 2022-03-15 08:01:02

O me! for why is all around us here
As if some lesser god had made the world,
But had not force to shape it as he would,
Till the High God behold it from beyond,
And enter it, and make it beautiful?
- -Alfred Lord Tennyson

Who are you? Jim asked Sarah. Is it the fear of closing oneself, or the narcissism in confinement. When you sink under water and listen to the sound of the world, what do you hear? The self seems to be so real, yet so fragile, that it needs careful care and is far from all disturbances to exist.

The journey of self-discovery is often a process of self-moulding. More often it is a sudden loss, some kind of powerlessness, some kind of strong desire. If you can be so lucky, in this process, someone can also suddenly come to accompany you and witness all your efforts, this person will become a part of the motivation, and at the same time become a part of the self.

So who are you? Standing still in the water, there is always silence all around, and the answer is never clear. However, when the worlds of two people collide, when one person makes a voice to this unknown world or some unfamiliar place in his heart, your heart may slowly surface and slowly find yourself.

A good movie, I don't understand how I have these strange feelings.

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Extended Reading
  • Madie 2022-03-25 09:01:23

    Well., I admit that I am old.. I am the vision of a 40-year-old man! I just like this outdated tone! Why is this beauty so beautiful? I want the original voice! cctv!

  • Maymie 2022-03-15 08:01:02

    Well, only when the soul is in an equal position can it be possible to fall in love. I have to say that Marlee Matlin is really beautiful!

Children of a Lesser God quotes

  • James Leeds: I can't ever get close enough. Say my name, just once, say my name.

  • Dr. Curtis Franklin: Yelling at the back of a deaf person, very good James.