Underrated: Professor Will's Sixth Sense (Updated to Episode 3)

Guillermo 2022-03-29 08:01:02

This movie is just clicked in. The male protagonist looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before... When I find Will and Grace... You know, Mr. Will was very young when he was young. Handsome and charming, now he's a middle-aged professor with a beard and a little neurotic... ahem, I can't bear the uncle's control.

Seriously: it's worth watching, don't think everyone thinks it's bad and don't watch it, maybe this show unexpectedly appeals to you, doesn't it?

At the beginning of the first episode, I thought it was okay. The discussion of reality and illusion itself is more fringe science. Although psychology is popular, it is still very fringe in China, isn't it? Unlike Criminal Minds, which is well-documented and well-documented, Professor Will often relies on a little... or rather, unreliable intuition.
It's like someone suddenly telling you that he can do magic, you don't take it seriously when you laugh.
I'm guessing that's the reason for the flurry of "abandoned!" comments.

But how many people have ever woken up from a dream and been grateful that it was just a dream? How many people have a sense of sight? How many people go to school and work every day but feel out of tune with this kind of life and the real world?
I think if someone around you has suffered from neurasthenia, or has some manic depression and a bit of Stockholm Syndrome, this show will be very intimate.
Anyway, we are used to the occasional chatter + constant ranting in British TV dramas, and we are used to the occasional X-play + fierce blood plasma in American TV dramas.

Professor Will is the weirdo around you, you probably don't pay attention, the classmate who might be sitting on the sidelines doing some weird stuff with a paper cutter after class, the one who is always compelled to keep his desk free of people at work Trace's colleague, an acquaintance who looks ordinary, but suddenly burst into a shock at a certain moment.
The most troublesome thing is that you can't see what he sees. It's a good thing that you are normal. He is always nervous and has no friends or lovers. You may feel lucky when you look at him.

I always feel that this show should be taken with "The World of the Psycho". Professor Will did not kill or set fire. He has real hallucinations and may be afraid of others' harm. At least this person is not a serial murderer, so - his Existence doesn't matter.
Take a look at his sixth sense. Like an autistic genius, he can see some mysterious connections. The research on the human brain is slow. Who said that Professor Will's feeling must be nonsense?

I've only watched a little, so I'll comment more after reading more.
Whether it's good or bad, you have to feel it, haha~


Because the time is more or less tight, and I am a little nervous when I watch it.

Episode 2 is the story of a face-blind patient, an interlocking murder case that is both an accident and a murder, only to find out there are early warnings in the last few minutes.
Everything is planted at the beginning, and a little bit of clues and everyone's different personalities are arranged just right in the film. Thought it was a criminal gang, but it turned out to be a serial scheme... Different people may just meet by chance but have a butterfly effect.
(I really don't want to spoil it... But the details of this episode are so wonderful, I really want to shout at the end, Professor Will, your sixth sense is amazing!)
Who would have thought that two women would take advantage of a small How far can the flaws go...

ep 3, anterograde amnesia, the girl who was attacked could barely take care of herself after more than two decades, but she was the only one who could possibly remember who the killer was. It reminds me of CM again (I've been watching~) The murderer hides in the dark and fantasizes about finding the only girl who loves him, kidnapping the other party until he finds out that he has been deceived, and then killing the other party - can't distinguish between fantasy and reality, and again Sad and cruel.

What the professor said at the end is really good to grasp the moment. I think one of the reasons why I like this drama is that the protagonist is not aggressive. In many dramas, the protagonist's aura is full, and the people around him are devastated because of the protagonist's character or behavior pattern (silently). Look at Sherlock Holmes and Poirot and, ahem, Uncle House, super-sense detective... I can name a lot of examples)
Professor Will feels harmless, except that sometimes he talks into the air (in other people's eyes) and gets nervous and hates too many people. Tower, the collision of different ideas coexists harmoniously (you can find out by looking at the students in the professor's class who wear different personalities) Although people think it's a bit strange, most of them talk to Professor Will well and cooperate with him. resolved soon. In short, Professor Will has friends, family, students and assistants who understand him, and an FBI mistress, and all that people do is help others and solve cases, and just solve puzzles—it feels good .
Not all dramas are thrilling, and occasionally such a heartwarming crime-solving drama is needed to simply brainstorm. I said earlier that episode 2 is very well-structured. Professor Will noticed the beautiful shoes on the female suspect's feet - if it is Sherlock Holmes probably immediately machine guns out of the observation and doesn't care about the other person's feelings (then poor John Peanuts slaps it to death...) and Professor Will is a split hallucination, someone who doesn't exist in reality (the other detectives are Clue) reminds him to pay attention to this detail, which is the key to solving the complex puzzle.
The shoe details in episode 2 struck me as great, while the professor solving puzzles in episode 3 felt like lines - all the details are there, just need you to find the key to the puzzle . Just like everyone's behavior, words and clothes unconsciously show who that person is, and the criminal's behavior is also traceable. It's just that you can have an idea, it's that simple.

Come on, Professor Will~ I'm going to follow this drama this year >u<

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Extended Reading
  • Alexa 2022-03-31 09:01:10

    Pierce is such a lovely character, he's one of the few people who is truly "in this world". He helps people in this world solve problems, but he doesn't belong here, and no one should force him to belong here. Lewicki is good, but Kate is bad.

  • Roberto 2022-03-29 08:01:02

    In general, don't chase