50th Anniversary Special

Abagail 2022-04-03 08:01:01

DTT Why is your suit too small? ? ?
Is it really true that Elizabeth I and the doctor are young couples (and also go to the black house "Virgin Queen"),
the favorability of Clara's sister has increased by 0.01
john hurt. I don't have the feeling of a doctor,
but it's really cute that little 10 and 11 are in the same scene, especially the two People wearing glasses and praising each other's lovely
timeline can't be more chaotic! ! ! ! ! !
Uncle Pika glanced at him, his eyes were too sharp
, and when the last row of doctors came out, he was shocked and burst into tears,
looking forward to the 100th anniversary

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Extended Reading
  • Chance 2022-04-23 07:05:58

    I have never been interested in the Doctor. The legendary time war has appeared, but why do I always feel stupid and cute enough? It means that I may not be a qualified sci-fi geek...

  • Enola 2022-04-04 09:01:08

    It’s okay to have rose all the time, 10.11 and 8.5 grandpa together are so cute! ! ! ! The girl doctor will save me is so cute! ! ! And when all the doctors get together, it's so flammable! ! ! ! ! In this episode, clara's presence is not strong, but it looks good... Look to the sky. About the role of doctor x13. In the end, the Doctor at least has a place of his own which is actually pretty cool! ! ! ! !

The Day of the Doctor quotes

  • Clara: Someday you could just walk past a fez.

    Eleventh Doctor: Never gonna happen.

  • The Moment: Go on, ask them. Ask them what you need to know.

    War Doctor: Did you ever count?

    Eleventh Doctor: Count what?

    War Doctor: How many children there were on Gallifrey that day.

    Eleventh Doctor: [pause] I've absolutely no idea.

    War Doctor: How old are you now?

    Eleventh Doctor: Uh, I dunno. I lose track. 1200 and something, I think, unless I'm lying. I can't remember if I'm lying about my age, that's how old I am.

    War Doctor: Four hundred years older than me, and in all that time you never even wondered how many there were? Never once counted?

    Eleventh Doctor: Tell me: What would be the point?

    Tenth Doctor: [enraged at the 11th Doctor] 2.47 billion!

    War Doctor: You did count!

    Tenth Doctor: [to the 11th Doctor] You forgot! Four hundred years, is that all it takes?

    Eleventh Doctor: I moved on!

    Tenth Doctor: Where? Where can you be now that you could forget something like that?

    Eleventh Doctor: Spoilers.

    Tenth Doctor: No, no no no, for once, I would like to know where I'm going.

    Eleventh Doctor: No, you really wouldn't!

    War Doctor: I don't know who you are. Either of you. I haven't got the faintest idea.

    The Moment: They're you. They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey. A man who regrets. And the man who forgets. The Moment is coming. The Moment is me. You have to decide.