I haven't seen such an unconventional B-grade film in a long time.

Kathleen 2022-03-31 08:01:02

What is a grade B film? Well, I'm not a film major, and I don't know the full definition of it in textbooks. But I know which movies are B-movies, or have the spirit of B-movies. In my opinion, the biggest feature of B-grade films is that they don't stick to certain fixed story modes. It's still a tense road crime movie when you watch it for 1 hour, can you guess what's going to happen without reading the introduction first? There will always be Easter eggs behind, and that's one of the great joys of watching B-grade movies. A rubbish B-rated movie has a purely random plot, you can't guess the development of the plot, but you are not interested in knowing; a cool B-rated movie makes you wonder where the story will develop, and You would love to know. The film has an old-school horror fascination that belongs to Stephen King's era, when horror filmmakers were like a bunch of kids, letting their imaginations carry themselves on the border between reality and fantasy: Elms Street, Yin and Yang Demon Realm. Movies now have the same storyline, and producers can't hide the dullness of the story itself with increasingly realistic special effects.

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  • Bria 2022-04-02 09:01:17

    It can be seen how important the belt is. .

  • Garret 2022-04-22 07:01:56

    Disgusting, not really scary... Thought it was a sex education film, but at the last moment I found out that it was a zombie cultivation diary, and I recalled the opening scene after reading the comments. Changed to 3 stars. It's a pity that the messy relationship and life of the heroine are too cumbersome to shoot in the film, and the dialogue and plot make people anxious. Poor buddy who has a crush on the heroine, and at the last moment made a transformation...