It's just one-sided self-satisfaction by the producer.

Letha 2022-04-04 08:01:01

I am a Ming Zuo party, but it is not that I do not support Ming young, but the explanation given by the plot version is too superficial.
As far as the description of the plot is concerned, I personally think that "THE LAST" is not as impressive as the 386th episode.
Not only is the description of Naruto's love very naive, just like those cliché girl manga before [after all, Kishimoto is really not suitable When writing emotional dramas
, even the characters are a mess. Just by watching Naruto, you will feel: This is not a line that Naruto will come out with, right? !
Well, you will definitely say that he has grown up and matured. But the movie didn't even have a transition period, so it's a matter of course.
You will definitely say that the movie time is too short, so there is no time for transition.
But when I count down those anime movies that describe love, the rhythm is well grasped, and the foreshadowing is well laid out. They only have so little time, but they have touched countless people,
and the theatrical version only brought me: What the hell is this TM? What the hell does TM feel like.
Next is Hinata. The whole person has changed from a strong and brave girl in episode 386 to a little princess who is protected by others. There is no feeling of growth at all. It 's a big disappointment
. Some of the other minor characters are just running around with soy sauce. The popularity of some shoujo manga with successful plots is not just as simple as love...
Obviously the trailer reads "Naruto Sasuke and the others XXXX" Hehe, carefully Let's see that Sasuke's appearance time is less than 2 minutes [orz
don't talk about the plot and characters, just watch the whole movie, the rhythm is not accurate and the logic is not strict [but I like music very much! I've always thought that Naruto was musically successful! 】
I want to complain the most about the theatrical version's explanation of Naruto and Sakura's liking is too TM nonsense! The reason why Sasuke and Sakura are together has not been given yet! You have to give me a valid reason, even if it's the main brood! I sympathize with the Naruto party without realizing it orz
I like Naruto very much, because it not only touched me, but also resonated. But this kind of resonance and emotion has been wiped out by "THE LAST"
To borrow a sentence from a film critic in Japan, it is: "This is just the unilateral self-satisfaction of the producer."
Summary: The rhythm of the theatrical version is not well mastered, the characters collapse, the plot is far-fetched, the emotional drama is cliché and naive [this is really not as good as 386 Episode] The music is good
, I hope I can grasp it better in Ming Hina's emotional drama! And... can you two fall in love well orz

View more about The Last: Naruto the Movie reviews

Extended Reading
  • Kaela 2022-04-12 09:01:09

    Raikage-sama, hurry up and blast down those two gentlemen on the moon! What? Next year after The Last? Pay me back!

  • Kaci 2022-04-12 09:01:09

    I really want to give a negative score. In order to make a pair of CPs in the theater version, I would not hesitate to trample on the previous 698 episodes, tamper with the protagonist's memories, and deny that 15 years of feelings and fetters are smoke bombs.