A little science about that history

Avis 2022-09-25 09:42:48

He recognized that Platonic philosophy was the most beautiful flower of ancient thought, comprehended friends with the same conviction, and promoted another revival of higher classical culture within the humanist group, a special honor that belongs to Cosimo .
- "Culture of the Italian Renaissance"
Cosimo de' Medici

I sincerely hope that more people can understand that period of history. Cosimo's greatness has always been unknown. It can be said that the Italian Renaissance will be completely different from the Medici family. Now the screen is full of Personal heroism, it is really necessary to remind us that this generation is not called heroes who bomb bunkers and call for uprisings. People who value, inherit and carry forward human civilization are sometimes greater than heroes.

Everyone knows that the Renaissance is a great ideological movement that pulls human history into modern times. It was initially used as a tool for the rise of the emerging bourgeoisie to oppose religious theocracy. A real "development" of human civilization all over the world. The last demarcation movement in world history was only civilized, and the demarcation between modern history and modern history was nothing more than the globalization of trade and culture. Only the Renaissance was a progress of human culture. The starting point and center of this movement was Florence, Italy, and what happened in Florence in those years would never have been possible without the Medici family.
Santa Maria del Fiore

Every generation of the Medici family is a big boss who has turned their hands into clouds and rains. The four centuries of rise and fall cannot be finished in ten days and ten nights. Here I can only briefly talk about the impact on Florence culture. ——Chinese
students don’t know much about this family. My humble opinion is because we grew up under the care of communism. In our education, nobles are used to be defeated, not to learn to worship, but to learn to be brave. Artists who rebel against the powerful. But Florence is different. The artists there are not always criticizing the authorities and expressing their yearning for freedom. The artists themselves are free and are respected and supported by Dagui.
Ghiberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Michelangelo, etc. The masters of the Italian Renaissance, you can name most of them were sponsored by the Medici family. At that time, free artistic creation was conditional and risky, and the social and economic status of the Medici family at that time successfully provided support and protection for the free creation of artists.

At that time, the control of religion over the European people was unimaginable to us now. For example, there used to be Henry IV, who was the king of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire at that time, because he was dissatisfied with Pope Gregory VII's corruption and corruption. He had a sovereignty dispute and was expelled from the church, which immediately led to nationwide targeting, and was finally forced to go to the Pope's vacation castle and kneel for three days and three nights begging for forgiveness.
The Medici family is not only powerful but also deeply respected by the people. The most important thing is that the Medici Bank is the Pope's private bank, which has contributed to the Pope's certain degree of jealousy and connivance towards the Medici family. You must know that during the Renaissance, there were many works that promoted the spirit of humanism, and the spirit of humanism was anti-religious theocracy, such as scientific theories, nude paintings and sculptures, anti-religious poems, etc. If there was no Medici family protection, those masterpieces may never see the light of day. And the promotion of national culture promoted by the Medici family has also paid off. Lorenzo I de' Medici was expelled by the Pope for declaring the sovereignty and independence of Florence, but he was not abandoned by the people at that time. Imagine if it was not the weakening of religious control by the new cultural system over the years, Loren Zuo Ishi, the tyrant, was ousted from power by the superstitious masses. It is said that Julian, the nephew of Lorenzo I, even became Pope later.

The Medici family's unprecedented emphasis on the arts and the humanities began with Cosimo. Unlike other aristocrats, Cosimo loves art, but he did not choose to keep art and cultural appreciation within the high walls as a noble luxury movement, but took these cultural treasures to the streets and alleys at great expense. Medici The family paid no less than 660,000 gold coins for charity, public buildings and taxes, and Cosimo alone paid more than 400,000. He really led Medici to become the first in history to collect power resources, cultural resources and A well-known family with economic resources. The role model played by such leaders directly led to the aesthetic improvement of the whole people at that time, and the collective improvement formed a new cultural system, and this was the only way to suppress the control of religion over the people's thoughts at that time, and it was the Renaissance. The most important condition to initiate.

I would like to share with you one of my favorite stills hee hee - the blue symbolizing the nobility, a metaphor for Cosimo's inheritance of his father's wealth and then enriching the family's power and cultural resources, the identity of the uncrowned king of Florence. Immediately leaned over, referring to Cosimo's respect for artists and literati, as well as his good desire to bring humanities and arts to the whole people. It is the best interpretation of Cosimo (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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